The foundation behind Wikipedia, along with several other high-profile non-profit organizations, has sued the National Security Agency challenging its “suspicionless seizure and searching of internet traffic” in the U.S., claiming that this mass data collection goes beyond what the law allows the NSA to collect and that it violates protections afforded by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. [More]
wikimedia foundation

Photographer Still Trying To Claim Ownership Of Monkey Selfie
Even though the U.S. Copyright Office has explicitly stated that one can not register a copyright for “A photograph taken by a monkey,” the photographer whose camera was used by a monkey for a now-famous self-portrait is still trying to claim that he is the owner of the photograph and demanding that a website purchase a license to run the image. [More]

Wikipedia Begins Porn Purge-Fest
Hear that noise? It’s the Internet being scrubbed clean as Wikipedia’s parent company, Wikimedia Foundation, purges sexually explicit content from its websites. The clean-up comes after started looking into the existence of such graphic content and its ready availability to anyone, even unsuspecting school children. [More]