Hey, remember when your home broadband was effectively unfettered by monthly restrictions on downloads? Well, internet service providers would prefer that you didn’t have such free and easy access to data, because they want those data caps to be for all your internet use, everywhere, as soon as they can make it happen. [More]
wide open west

Wide Open West Blacks Out NFL Network Games Because It "Can't Afford Them"
These NFL Network vs. Cable shenanigans are starting to really bug us. Reader Andy writes in to let us know that Wide Open West offers the NFL Network, but is blacking out the games because it can’t afford to pay the NFL Network to run them.

Cable Install Horrors: The Wall Fish Expert
A mysterious stranger, spoken of in exuberant tones, he is the one, the Last Scion, he who can magically draw a cable connection through the wall without drilling more holes than a methed-out woodpecker in a balsa wood warehouse, he is… The Wall Fish Expert!