Paul Newman was a very famous movie star. This will seem obvious to readers above a certain age and fans of classic films, but it is apparently not that obvious to all grocery shoppers. While you’d think that the late star’s Newman’s Own line of organic food that turns over profits to charity would be a hit with civic-minded foodies, that guy on the label may as well be Duncan Hines or Chef Boyardee to younger shoppers. [More]

WHO: Risk That The Olympics Will Further Spread Zika Virus Is “Very Low”
After convening a panel of experts to discuss the continuing spread of Zika, the World Health Organization reaffirmed that the virus is a public health emergency, but added that there’s a “low risk” of it spreading further if the Rio Olympic games go ahead as planned. [More]

Here’s What’s Going On With The Rio Olympics & The Zika Virus
If you haven’t been living under a rock for the last few months, you’ve likely heard the words “Zika virus” and “Rio Olympics” paired together often, both in the media and everyday conversations. With the 2016 Summer Olympics set to start in August, you may be wondering what’s going on — is Zika a threat to tourists and athletes in Brazil? Will the games be postponed or moved? [More]

Asian Guy Gets UPS Package, Driver Notes Recipient Was “CHIN”
J. is a Consumerist reader of Asian descent. Earlier this week, he was expecting a package from UPS. The doorbell rang, he signed for the package, and all was well. So he thought. When his e-mail delivery confirmation arrived, he was surprised to see that his package had been signed for by “CHIN.” Who? [More]

Airlines Have Bumped 343,000 Passengers This Year
Over a quarter-million passengers were bumped from flights in the past eight months, a number that is set to grow as airlines try to boost anemic profits by slashing fleets. The Department of Transportation requires airlines to compensate bumped passengers with cash or vouchers, but savvy passengers can leverage their situation to negotiate heftier payments…

Allen's Bribes Customers Who Find Dead Rat Heads In Their Italian Green Beans
Texas wedding caterer Dale Cane found a dead rat’s head in one of the twenty cans of Allen’s Italian Green Beans he bought at Walmart. Allen’s quickly offered Cane $200 if he agreed to keep quiet, and assured him that “the Pasteurization process renders the product sterile and completely safe for consumption.” Even worse, this isn’t the first time a dead rat’s head popped up in a can of Allen’s Green Beans…