If you’ve ever been surprised to find you’ve been automatically charged for a subscription or a service you don’t remember signing up for, you’re not alone: A new survey says that more than a third of Americans have been enrolled in autopay programs — for anything from a gym membership to a streaming service — without realizing it. [More]
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Police Seize Gizmodo Editor's Computers
Police on Friday seized several computers from the home of Gizmodo editor Jason Chen, after they were granted a warrant allowing them to confiscate property that “may have been used as the means of committing a felony.” The warrant specifically mentions that officials are looking for information about the iPhone 4G, a prototype of which Gizmodo obtained from a source who found it after an Apple engineer left it behind in a bar.
Update: The case is reportedly on hold as the San Mateo County District Attorney’s office reviews Gizmodo’s shield law defense. According to one report, Chen’s computers haven’t been examined yet, and won’t be until after the DA completes the review. (Thanks, GetEmSteveDave!)