When you go to a convenience store to grab a few cold drinks and some snacks, you’re probably going to make different shopping choices than you would at the supermarket or warehouse store. And a new study claims that we tend to go for more variety when we’re not buying in bulk — even if the bulk packages offer variety. [More]
warehouse stores

9 Tips To Take Shopping With You At Warehouse Stores
One of the best parts about working here at Consumerist is our dedicated legion of readers providing a vast array of expertise that’s perfect for sharing with everyone. That’s why it was great to hear from a worker in a big warehouse store who writes that he wanted to pass along the knowledge he’s gleaned on the job to help all of you have a successful shopping trip. To the tip list! [More]

4 Things You Might Not Know You Can Save On At A Warehouse Store
The typical mental image of shopping at a warehouse store like Costco or Sam’s Club is shopping carts overflowing with bulk packs of toilet paper and kitty litter. But those who have actually shopped at these places know that you can purchase a lot more than just huge packages of the bare necessities. And in addition to the stuff you’d find at most superstores, warehouse clubs may have some additional perks you won’t get too many other places. [More]

Experience The World Of Sam's Club At Next Week's Open House
To some, member’s only warehouse store Sam’s Club is kind of like a semi-secret society of savings and free food samples. That may or may not be true, but you can find out for yourself next week when the retail chain tries to get its hooks into more members by hosting a three-day open house. [More]