Spam. It’s not just something that shows up in your email inbox from time to time, promising anatomical enhancements and luxury R0l3xes; sometimes it makes its way to your cell phone unbidden, leaving you with no recourse but to delete it… or sue whoever sent it to you, which is what one guy is doing after saying he got unsolicited texts messages from Universal Pictures pushing its movie based on a video game Warcraft. [More]

Chinese Prisoners Forced To Farm Warcraft Gold Or Get Beatings
To get ahead in online games like the popular World of Warcraft, sometimes people will turn to the black market and purchase in-game gold from other gamers using real world dollars. It sounds relatively harmless, except the person you’re buying it from could be a prisoner in a Chinese labor camp under threat of cruel physical punishment. [More]

World Of Warcraft Pushing "Care Packages" Over Restoring Hacked Accounts reports that instead of restoring hacked accounts, Blizzard employees have been instructed to push “care packages.” If you accept the care package, your case gets closed and no restoration of items will occur on the account, although you still get to play your character. The care package contains 2,500 gold, 2 Emblems of Frost and 10 Emblems of Triumph for every day you’ve waited. [More]

End-User License Agreement Requires You To "
One of the bloggers at BoingBoing attempted to install World of Warcraft on his Ubuntu Linux laptop, but first he had to agree to… something. Full picture inside.

Reach Blizzard Entertainment Executives
If you have a problem with Blizzard Entertainment, makers of World of Warcraft, among other diversions, and contacting regular customer doesn’t help, try some of the contact info inside…