Unhappy Walmart employees, backed by the United Food and Commercial Workers union, are continuing to agitate for reform at the mega-retailer. In a conference call with media outlets yesterday, members of the group OUR Walmart outlined their plans for Black Friday, which include another strike, protests, public awareness campaigns, and flash mobs. Presumably these actions will be for the benefit of customers waiting in line overnight for rock-bottom prices on TVs and blenders. [More]

Check To Make Sure Your iPad Box Isn’t Full Of Notebooks Before You Leave The Store
Once again, a consumer plunks down hard-earned cash for a pricey electronic device, only to find out later that the box is full of something completely useless. And since she had the gall to wait until she got home, the folks at her local Walmart all but accused her of trying to pull a scam. [More]

Walmart Testing Same-Day Delivery In Smattering Of U.S Locations
Another day, another bid by a retailer competing with Amazon to strike a blow by offering a new, attractive service to customers: This time it’s Walmart, and the tempting idea is same-day delivery for online orders. The company started testing the waters last week in the Washington suburbs and is rolling out the service in few other U.S. locales soon as well. [More]

When You Can’t Find The Toy Your Kid Wants For Christmas, Blame Layaway
This holiday season, when your child looks up at you with tears welling in their eyes because they didn’t get that one toy they had really been hoping for, you can do two things: Tell him/her to grow the heck up and realize that you don’t always get everything you ask for, or blame all the parents who put toys on layaway in September and October. [More]

Raiders Of The Lost Walmart Find More Ancient Gadgets
Consumerist readers are a determined bunch. Against all odds, you keep going: exploring Walmart stores across the country in search of the oldest and most obsolete items that Wally World has to offer. [More]

Raiders Of The Lost Walmart Uncover More Retail Antiquities
They are always searching. The Raiders of the Lost Walmart never stop their quest for the most ridiculous, most outdated items still on the shelves of their local Walmart stores. Here are their latest discoveries: a game that you can download for free, and a decade-old digital camera. [More]

Raiders Of The Lost Walmart Discover Cache Of Ancient Flash Drives
In the electronics department of his local Walmart in New York state, Joseph made an amazing discovery in the field of retail archaeology. No one was interested in these ten 256 MB flash drives, so they’ve languished. No markdowns, no clearance: they’ll remain on the shelf, with a price tag of $28.83. A cashier told Joseph, “You’ll be bringing your kids in here some day, and these will still be here.” Something to look forward to. [More]

Why Did My Walmart Change The ‘Use By’ Date On My Beef?
What’s a grocery store to do when an expensive piece of beef goes unsold by the time it’s reached its “Use/Freeze By” date? Consumerist reader William believes he caught his Walmart simply slapping a new sticker with a new date on top of the old one. [More]

Walmart just inked a deal to exclusively sell AC/DC’s new album as well as the new Rock Band video game, “AC/DC Live: Rock Band Track Pack.” Why must you go to Walmart? “If you want to be a physical band, you better make an alliance with a strong physical retailer,” said Steve Barnett, chairman of Columbia Records. “It’s a great way to sell the new album, the catalog, the game, merchandise and DVDs.” [NYT]

Will New Square Milk Jugs At Wal-Mart, Costco Save The Planet? Or Spill Your Milk?
Wal-Mart and Costco have something new they’d like you to try— a square milk jug. The NYT says the new square jugs “are cheaper to ship and better for the environment, the milk is fresher when it arrives in stores, and it costs less.” So what’s the catch? Apparently, while the new jugs are helping cut costs, they kind of suck at pouring milk.

Walmart Drops Lawsuit Against Brain Damaged Worker
The world’s largest retailer said Tuesday in a letter to the family of Deborah Shank it will not seek to collect money the Shanks won in an injury lawsuit against a trucking company for the accident.

Reach Walmart Vice Chairman John Menzer And 742 Other Walmart Employees
We asked if anyone had executive contact information for Walmart, and boy did you deliver! Project Walmart Freedom lists 742 numbers from Walmart’s corporate directory, and toll-free numbers for 83 Walmart divisions. We were also able to liberate the direct number for Walmart Vice Chairman John Menzer.

Walmart Would Like You To Know That They Accept All Forms Of Debit
Ben: then the terrorists have already won

Salmonella Peanut Butter Still Stalking Nation’s Children
People. You need to toss your Peter Pan or Great Value brand peanut butter if the jar says “2111” on it. The plant that produced the peanut butter has been closed for 3 weeks, but cases of salmonella linked to the peanut butter continue to rise.