The news that 154 Walmart stores would be closing in the United States was devastating to employees and to the communities left without grocery stores or pharmacies, but there’s one group of people who were delighted at the news. Bargain-hunters, sure, but especially the subset of bargain-hunters who resell their purchases online at a profit. [More]
walmart closings

Mysteriously Closed Walmarts Will Reopen In October Or November As Planned
You may remember that this past spring, Walmart abruptly closed five stores in four different states to repair mysterious plumbing problems, leaving employees to find new jobs or maybe transfer to other nearby Walmarts. The closing was only ever meant to be temporary, though, and the stores have started to hire new and returning employees to staff the stores. [More]

One Month After Closing Stores For Plumbing Repairs, Walmart Actually Files For Permits
When Walmart closed five stores in four different states on the same day, claiming that they were shutting down due to unspecified “plumbing problems,” people became suspicious. Some citizen theories involve the military, and others involve the nationwide OUR Walmart walkouts that began at one of the California stores targeted for temporary closing. One piece of evidence was that Walmart hadn’t yet filed for permits for any of these urgent renovations. Well, now they have. [More]