Now you can follow the subprime meltdown around the world with this handy interactive graphic from Financial Times. It’s grimly amusing to click the “show all” radio button and then drag the slider back and forth from “Pre-Jun 25” to “Week of Aug 6”.
wall street

Things That Disquieted Us in Today’s Business News
• McDonald’s number two man quits via flameout email screed. Grimace gets the nod.
Gordon Gekko to Blame for High Gas Prices
Looking for someone to blame for high gas prices? An editorial on the Arizona Republic claims it isn’t fat-cat oil barons taking enemas of sweet crude whilst squatting over solid gold bidets in their fancy European palaces that are jacking up the price of oil: it’s Michael Douglas from Wall Street, trading in hedge funds over his torso-sized army field phone.
“Who have You Exploited Today?”
Beat kids! Kids on the beat! This young investigative reporter runs around to Wall Street denizens and asks them one simple question.