wal mart

Blithely Ignorant of Wage Caps, Walmart Cashier Goes ‘The Extra Mile’

Blithely Ignorant of Wage Caps, Walmart Cashier Goes ‘The Extra Mile’

More from the Walmarting Across America website that had to be pulled.

How Do You Get Walmart To Pay For Your Family Vacation?

How Do You Get Walmart To Pay For Your Family Vacation?

Before the Washington Post made Jim Thresher take down the pictures from pro-walmart blog, Walmarting Across America, BusinessWeek noticed the effort and cried foul. But how did Jim and his girlfriend Laura St. Claire get roped into the affair?

Wal-Marting Across America, Banned Pix Revealed

Wal-Marting Across America, Banned Pix Revealed

Walmart’s minions may have pulled down the photographers blog that was a blatant front for Edelman PR. But that doesn’t stop us or you from using the magic of Google cache to see what flackery filled the pages of Wal-Marting Across America.

Wash Post Photog Bitchslapped For Sucking Off Walmart

A Washington Post photographer has been disciplined for taking a cross-country RV trip to shoot photographs for a pro Walmart blog.

Does Wal-Mart Secretly Hate The Gay?

Does Wal-Mart Secretly Hate The Gay?

A reader reports seeing a series of strange Wal-Mart ads that seem to exhibit a subversive, latent, homophobia on the part of the big box retailer.

Wal-Mart Takes Layaway Behind The Chemical Sheds

Wal-Mart Takes Layaway Behind The Chemical Sheds

And, just in time for Christmas, Wal-Mart officially slits the Layaway Service’s throat.

Wal-Mart Takes A Page From Jiffy Lube’s Book

Looking to Jiffy Lube for inspiration, Wal-Mart has seen the light: turn-around and profit both are a hell of a lot higher when you don’t actually bother doing the work.

Kmart: We Already Have a $5 Generic Drug Plan.

Kmart: We Already Have a $5 Generic Drug Plan.

In the wake of media buzz concerning Wal-Mart’s $4 dollar a month generic drug plan, and Target’s claim that they too will slash prices, Kmart has responded: But we already have a $5 a month plan, hello? Guys? Are you there?

WalMart Slashes Generic Prescription Prices

WalMart Slashes Generic Prescription Prices

WalMart’s bouncing smiley face just danced up and down on top of your local CVS. Once the roof caved, he moved over to Walgreens, where the body count is pending. RiteAid is next. Cower in fear.

Friday Fashion Advice

Friday Fashion Advice

The News; Wal-Mart Hires Flying Nun

The News; Wal-Mart Hires Flying Nun

• Mr. Hooters is dead at 69, huh huh. [NYT] “Robert H. Brooks, 69, Owner of Hooters Restaurant Chain, Is Dead”

Mormon Walmart Conscripts Customers

Mormon Walmart Conscripts Customers

Until now, you wrote off Walmart and refused to get suckered into the self-righteous indignation game, purple ribbons aside…

NYC Anti-Wal-Mart Protesters Are, In Reality, Anti-Wal-Mart Protesters

NYC Anti-Wal-Mart Protesters Are, In Reality, Anti-Wal-Mart Protesters

This has been going around “the blogosphere” lately (like “the Information Super Highway,” I expect that this term will become increasingly embarrassing to most of us as we get older and Al Gore claims to have created it) and it’s not quite what it appears, but it’s worth a post: coming out of Grand Central Station, Mihow from the eponymous Mihow.com encountered a raucous crowd of what appeared to be anti-Wal-Mart protesters. They handed him some literature, which then turned out to actually be pamphlets from Wal-Mart Watch.

Google Trends Forecasts Our Watery Demise

Google Trends Forecasts Our Watery Demise

Using the fancy new Google Trends web app launched today, we were able to rank which US cities are searching for Wal-mart, iPods, Amazon and Sex the most, as well as compare results by city.

Walmart’s 32 Year Viral Proliferation

From The University of Minnesota’s Thomas Holmes’ paper The Diffusion of Wal-Mart and Economies of Density. Via Box Tank.

Sympathy For The Devil; Oil’s Makeover

Sympathy For The Devil; Oil’s Makeover

As of late, the oil industry finds itself suffering an image malfunction. Petrol makers have hired Blue Worldwide, the advertising wing of PR giant Edelman. Another one of Edelman’s clients is Wal-Mart. But is that enough? McCain attacked major oil companies last week over reckless profiteering: “Outside of satanic cults, these people have the worst P.R. of anybody in the world.”

Wal-Mart Hero Frees Man From Toilet Seat

Wal-Mart Hero Frees Man From Toilet Seat

What with Wal-Mart employees wanking off directly into the agog faces of our nation’s youth and all, it can sometimes be hard to remember that — yes! — real American heroes work there too. Average Working Joes? Maybe! But those dehumanizing blue smocks, those bright yellow smiley face buttons can’t bely the spirit of Akhilleus that surges through their veins.

BREAKING: Little Girl Molested By Wal-Mart Sex Offender, Gets Jack Squat

BREAKING: Little Girl Molested By Wal-Mart Sex Offender, Gets Jack Squat

A Jury found Wal-Mart was not negligent in hiring a convicted sex offender who molested a 10 year old girl in a Wal-Mart electronics aisle six years ago.