T-Mobile patched a vulnerability on its website last week that could have exposed the personal information — including email addresses, account numbers, and other data — of its 76 million users. [More]

Lawmakers Ask FCC To Seek Fixes For Phone Network Vulnerabilities
When you think about phone security, you’re probably thinking about the apps on your phone, who’s listening in on the call you make, or perhaps even the metadata you leave behind. You’re probably not thinking about the national and global network of fibers, cables, and businesses that makes your phone call physically possible. But that network has vulnerabilities, and two lawmakers want the FCC to protect consumers from them. [More]

Dutch Teen Collects One Million United Airlines Miles For Finding Security Flaws
Next time you’re sitting on a United Airlines flight next to a European teenager getting the royal treatment, it could be the latest young hacker to figure out a security flaw in the airline’s network. [More]

Security Flaw In Fisher Price “Smart Toys” Could Have Left Info For Children, Parents Vulnerable
Once upon a time, teddy bears were simple, cute, cuddly friends for youngsters. Today, the seemingly benign toys can talk, hold a conversation, and give away your personal information. Or at least that’s what security experts are saying about the Smart Toy stuffed bear from Fisher Price.

Regulators Accuse Oracle Of Deceiving Customers About Security Of Java Updates
The owners of more than 850 million personal computers using Oracle’s Java Platform Standard Edition were misled about the security of their devices after software updates left the PCs susceptible to hack attacks according to federal regulators. [More]

Most Small Business Owners Aren’t Ready For Chip-And-PIN Credit Cards
Following a string of high-profile data breaches last year, Visa and MasterCard handed down a requirement that all merchants transition to the more secure chip-enabled credit card payment system by October of this year. While several major retailers have already made or are in the process of making the switch, a new report finds that many small business owners don’t even know about the deadline – or the potentially costly consequence of not meeting it. [More]

American Credit Cards Are Most Popular In The World For Hacks, Fraud (Because Our Tech Stinks)
If it feels like we hear a whole lot of stories about retail data breaches here in the U.S., well, that’s because we do. Americans are super duper popular targets for card hacks and fraud, and it’s for one simple reason: our credit card security is bad and should feel bad. [More]

HSBC Security Hole Leaves 3M Customers’ Accounts Vulnerable
If you’ve got your money tied up with HSBC, better be on your tip-toes: a research team from Cardiff University has discovered a flaw in HSBC’s banking system that exposes three million customers’ accounts to the theft of wily hackers.