
Top 10 Recent Model Used Car Deals

Top 10 Recent Model Used Car Deals

Consumer Reports has put together a list of the quickest depreciating new cars so that you bargain hunters can snatch up a lightly used car for a good price. In case you weren’t aware, new cars take a big hit in depreciation in the first few years of ownership — a smart buyer lets someone else pay that “new car” tax.

The 10 Most Reliable Car Brands VS Your Preconceived Notions

The 10 Most Reliable Car Brands VS Your Preconceived Notions

Consumer Reports just did a study about car brand perceptions, so we thought we’d compare the top 10 most highly perceived brands to their list of the most reliable car brands.

My New "Certified Pre-Owned Volvo" Is Infected With Mysterious "Black Gunk"

My New "Certified Pre-Owned Volvo" Is Infected With Mysterious "Black Gunk"

Reader M writes:

Researchers Hack Remote Keyless Car Entry Devices

Researchers Hack Remote Keyless Car Entry Devices

Researchers have figured out a way to hack remote keyless car entry devices. The threat to the consumer is minimal, it takes several hours to crack the code, but it does give one pause, especially considering that if the Keeloq’s manufacturer added a few simple measures they could render the exploit nearly useless.

Volvo Knows What Women Want: To Be Patronized.

Volvo Knows What Women Want: To Be Patronized.

Everyone knows that women are a menace to our automotive society. When they aren’t swerving at 100mph through school crossing zones, their eyes firmly rooted to the vanity mirror which they are using to apply a smear of pink bubble gum lipstick, they are driving down the highway with both hands off the wheel, using one to hold a cell phone to the side of their ditzy heads and scream “You go, girlfriend!” while the other makes air snaps.