
Stranded Orchestra Gives Impromptu Inflight Concert For Fellow Passengers

Stranded Orchestra Gives Impromptu Inflight Concert For Fellow Passengers

While waiting for their delayed KLM flight to be released, the Amsterdam Sinfonietta took their instruments down from the overhead compartments and started playing a spontaneous concert for their fellow passengers. [More]

Video: Chinese Factory Workers Stuffing Playing Cards At Turbo Speed

Video: Chinese Factory Workers Stuffing Playing Cards At Turbo Speed

Every wonder why so much stuff is made in China? This is why. Look at these guys, stuffing playing cards in boxes at a superhuman rate. This video has not been sped up. No wonder China is going to kick our ass. [More]

Cami Secret Is A Fake Camisole You Attach To Your Bra

Cami Secret Is A Fake Camisole You Attach To Your Bra

To others, the “Cami Secret” appears to be a camisole, but it’s actually a hankie you attach to your bra. [More]

Blockbuster Filing For Bankruptcy In September

Blockbuster Filing For Bankruptcy In September

Blockbuster told Hollywood studios that it’s planning to file for bankruptcy in mid-September. [More]

Denny's Fried Cheese Melt Taste Test

Denny's Fried Cheese Melt Taste Test

So what does Denny’s Fried Cheese Melt, which a grilled cheese sandwich with four mozzarella sticks inside it, taste like? “This sandwich did not lack in sodium or grease and that really came through in the flavor, yet when combined with the marinara sauce, it helped balance out all that salt,” wrote Slashfood in their taste test. In other words, delicious! [More]

The Desperate Life Of A Flea Market Shammie Salesman

The Desperate Life Of A Flea Market Shammie Salesman

Reader Tim found himself selling shammies at flea markets to earn his way through college and made this video about it. These aren’t ShamWows, mind you. No, something more degrading. It’s the knockoff Wow!” brand shammie. Wholesale: $.70 per sheet, yours for only $3.30 a piece! He says it was like working at the “Bazaar of Despair.” [More]

Bank Credits $95,093.35 Junk Mail Check To Man's Account, Has To Beg For It Back

Bank Credits $95,093.35 Junk Mail Check To Man's Account, Has To Beg For It Back

Man 1 Bank 0 is the true story of Patrick Combs who deposited one of those junk mail checks as a joke. What happened was that it cashed, all $95,093.35 of it, and because they didn’t dispute it in time, the bank had to get on their knees to get him to give it back. [More]

Rap Video Pimps Elizabeth Warren For CFPA Head

A lot of folks are rooting for the smart, fierce and uncompromising Elizabeth Warren to head up the new Consumer Financial Protection Agency. And now the cowboy rappers have thrown their 10-gallon hats in the ring. [More]

Stripping Chatroulette Chick Morphs Into Last Exorcism Hell Spawn

Stripping Chatroulette Chick Morphs Into Last Exorcism Hell Spawn

It’s a given that anything real, raw or underground will eventually be coopted by advertising. Exhibit A: In a viral marketing push for new horror flick Last Exorcism, unsuspecting boys think the hot chick they are Chatrouletting with is going to take off her top, when all of a sudden her eyes roll back into her head, her face cracks, and she attacks the camera. The reactions are priceless. NSFW. [More]

In-Store Dance Protest Hits Target, To The Tune Of "People Are People"

In-Store Dance Protest Hits Target, To The Tune Of "People Are People"

Wondering how that Target boycott is going? Here’s a video of an in-store protest complete with dance routine and Improv Everywhere type theatrics, set to the tune of Depeche Mode’s “People are People.” [More]

The Secret Life Of The Majestic Plastic Bag

The Secret Life Of The Majestic Plastic Bag

Have you ever wished the plastic bag from American Beauty got its own spinoff? Your dream has come true. This is a mock nature documentary narrated by Jeremy Irons that follows “one of the most clever and illustrious creatures: the plastic bag” from its first birthing into the wild all the way to its ultimate home, the Pacific gyre. [More]

Chase Foreclosing On 90-Year-Old Even Though Son Is Willing To Pay

Chase Foreclosing On 90-Year-Old Even Though Son Is Willing To Pay

Chase is proceeding full steam ahead with foreclosing on a 90-year-old woman’s condo even though her son has offered to pay it off. Rather than get the full amount of the mortgage paid in full, they prefer to incur the expenses of a foreclosure and sell it at a loss. [More]

Chef Fined For Licking Toads In The Kitchen

Chef Fined For Licking Toads In The Kitchen

The chef at a Japanese restaurant in Iowa was fined $335 after health department officials watched a video of him licking and kissing toads, then putting them in his mouth and then back on the prep table, in the restaurant’s kitchen. His brother taped the stunt and posted it on Facebook. [More]

Taiwan's Cartoon Version Of Dodge's Invisible Ape Ad

Taiwan's Cartoon Version Of Dodge's Invisible Ape Ad

Taiwan News has decided that the best way to cover the story about how Dodge swapped out an ape in their ad that PeTA was pissed about with an invisibile monkey is through the magic of animated reenactment. Watch for the animated flames shooting out of the phone. [More]

30,000 Storm Atlanta Parking Lot To Get Public Housing Apps

30,000 Storm Atlanta Parking Lot To Get Public Housing Apps

The last time public housing rosters were opened up, the city got 2,400 apps. This time, they thought maybe 10,000 would show up. Instead, an estimated 30,000 people descended on an Atlanta parking lot last week so they could pick up an application for public housing. 60 had to be taken to the hospital after fights or just from heat exhaustion. It was 90-100 degrees. And this is just to get on a waiting list. To get an actual voucher can take 8-10 more years. [More]

Pillow Fight Breaks Out On Airplane

Pillow Fight Breaks Out On Airplane

A pillow fight broke out among tourists sitting in economy on a Lufthansa airplane this summer, and even the flight attendant got in on the action, laughing and tossing out more fluffy ammunition. In the end everyone claps and laughs. Aw! [More]

Notorious Alleged Stolen Credit Card Data Reseller Arrested,
But His Promo Cartoon Remains

Notorious Alleged Stolen Credit Card Data Reseller Arrested, But His Promo Cartoon Remains

An alleged big-time old-school credit card data reseller was arrested in France and extradited to America after Department of Justice investigators arranged to buy some credit card data off him via ICQ. His reign as king jerk may have ended, but the flash cartoon he used to promote his netherworldly services is still online (NSFW). [More]

Dodge Complies With PETA By Replacing Ape With Invisible

Dodge Complies With PETA By Replacing Ape With Invisible Ape

PETA was mad at Dodge for running an ad that had a chimpanzee in it, considering the history of abuse monkeys have suffered in the entertainment industry. Not that any happened to this monkey, just to monkeys before it. In any event, in the revised version Dodge complied and digitally erased the monkey in the track suit…. but now there’s just a disembodied suit walking over and pressing the dynamite lever. Dexter’s Michael C. Hall monotones in the voiceover, “Oh wait, there’s an invisible monkey.” Hilarity! [More]