video games

We Reupload Heinous PSP Flog Videos Sony Removed

UPDATE: The 807 comments that were on the Dancing Petey video, after the jump.

Sony’s PSP Blog Flog Revealed

We’re a day late and a dollar short to this story, but the forces of the internet outed a marketing company working for Sony for creating fake PSP blog.

Nintendo To Solve Wii Strap Break Problem By Selling More Wiis

Nintendo To Solve Wii Strap Break Problem By Selling More Wiis

    “Nintendo’s president acknowledged Thursday the just-launched Wii video-game machine may have a problem with a strap that secures its trademark wandlike remote-controller to the player’s wrist.

Prevent Wii TV Breakage With Fishing Line

Prevent Wii TV Breakage With Fishing Line

FYE Bait And Switches Wii Buyer, Gamer Calls For Boycott

When it came time to pick it up on November 19, FYE wanted to make him buy two additional games and a $25 gift card. These additional purchases, to the sum of $400, were not disclosed when filed the pre-order.

Gamestop: “We’re Selling Counterfeit Games? Coooooool!”

Gamestop: “We’re Selling Counterfeit Games? Coooooool!”

Digg this story.

The News is Incredibly Newsy

The News is Incredibly Newsy

• Reporter buys a cheap Dell and opens every spam and suspicious file to see how much malware and viruses he can get before Geek Squad declares it a total loss. [Wired]

Hot Hot Kotaku on E3 Man Machine Love Association

Hot Hot Kotaku on E3 Man Machine Love Association

If you lovvvvvvvvve video games, go to Kotaku. They’re covering the E3 game conference with reckless abandon, fanboy intensity and of course, Gawker Media Network’s trademark wit and panache.

HOWTO: Return an Opened Video Game

HOWTO: Return an Opened Video Game

Most stores won’t give you your money back for an opened video game box. Instead, they will give you the same title.

Game Quest Direct Thwarts eBay Gougers

Silicon Era has posted a great expose of Game Quest Direct, a once-retail video game chain that hit it big by acting as a bulk republisher of particularly sought-after games. Inspired by the absolutely mad eBay prices on games like Disagaea or Resident Evil 3 for the Gamecube, these guys decided to strike up deals with the publishers to get these games back in circulation at a reasonable price. The problem? The very same gaggle of eBay speculators who inspired GCD’s business are now calling foul: