Reader Rod noticed something interesting as he shopped around to compare Internet service providers. Verizon provided a helpful chart that explains to customers how long they could expect an upload or download to take for many mundane things: movies, songs, and photos. He points out that the problem is, the songs magically become half as large when they’re uploaded. Or do they? [More]
verizon dsl

I Signed Up For Verizon DSL Back In September. They Forgot That I Exist.
Heather signed up for Verizon DSL service at her new place last September. So she’s been enjoying several months of cost-effective Internet service by now, right? Not exactly. Her story is a perfect illustration of why it is that monopolies can make customers miserable. The scheduled installation technician never showed up, troubleshooting of her service didn’t work, and when she tried to set up service again months later, they misplaced her account and kept hanging up on her. [More]

Verizon Isn't Really Sure How Much Their DSL Service Costs
Brian begged and pleaded but Verizon simply wouldn’t tell him how much his DSL would cost after taxes and fees, unless he signed a one-year contract. The customer service representatives staffing Verizon’s operation centers claimed that it was too difficult to figure out all that math nonsense for every jurisdiction. When Brian pushed and insisted that surely they had to know how much their service cost, he was told that “there wasn’t anyone in Verizon that knew the answer.”

New Number To Reach US-Based Verizon DSL Customer Service
Here’s a new number to replace the old number we posted that directly connects you to US-Based, native English-speaking Verizon DSL reps in Columbus, OH (strangely, the old number is now a busy signal, I wonder why). The tipster who passed the number off says the Columbus “Get Conected DSL Gate, “has no handle time (east gate is notorious for passing people off or making up RTVs (return to vendors) because “floor walkers” pester people after times get past 13 minutes) and can help with as many supported issues as you want.” The number is 614-219-5927 (the old, non-working number was 614-219-5900).

Man Experiences Competent Verizon DSL Tech Support
Nick was able to actually get decent Verizon tech support. But to do it, he had to trick the phone system and select “install problems” instead of “tech support” when he called. He writes:
I live in northwest Pennsylvania, an area formerly held by telecom company GTE (GTE North to be specifically I believe?). This has been particularly troublesome to the folks at Verizon when I’d call for tech support. Over the past few years of getting DSL from Verizon when the need would arise to call tech support I would cringe. I *knew* they wouldn’t be able to find my account, it always happens.

Reach US-Based Verizon DSL Customer Service
Verizon DSL customer service draws complaints because it’s mainly outsourced to people from India with thick accents and little comprehension of how to fix your problem, but one reader says he’s got, “a direct number to Verizon’s Teleperformance-run, Columbus, OH call center. No Pasig or Hyderabad agents.”

Verizon D.S.L. = “Does Suck Loads”
Eric hates Verizon DSL. All he wanted to do is switch around his contract to save $8.00 a month.