
Verizon Changes TOS: Reserves The Right To Terminate Your DSL And Offer You FiOS

Verizon Changes TOS: Reserves The Right To Terminate Your DSL And Offer You FiOS

Reader William forwards us an email he got from Verizon. He’s concerned that they’re going to try to force FiOS on him.

Verizon Misquotes Rates 93% Of The Time

1) What is the data overage rates for the basic 10MB data package for $29.99?

T-Mobile Loses Cancellation Letter Twice, Sends Account To Collection Agency

T-Mobile sent reader Ivan’s account to collections after he twice cancelled his service. He first cancelled in August, but T-Mobile mysteriously lost the cancellation letter. Ivan faxed over a second cancellation letter while a CSR waited on the phone to confirm receipt. Having switched to Verizon, Ivan didn’t care when in September, someone stepped on the T-Mobile phone lying in his car, breaking the screen. T-Mobile is now demanding that Ivan pay a bill that lists only a reinstatement fee. Ivan writes:

Reach Verizon Internet Executive Customer Service

Reach Verizon Internet Executive Customer Service


$1800 For FiOS House Fire Family Is Just An Advance, Says Verizon

$1800 For FiOS House Fire Family Is Just An Advance, Says Verizon

Verizon has a different take on the story about a Philly’s family house being set on fire by a FiOS installer hitting their electrical wire — especially the family lawyer’s assertion that Verizon is only offering the family $1,800. Eric Rabe, Verizon Senior Vice President of Media Relations told The Consumerist: [More]

Tell The FCC, Congress To Support Net Neutrality

Tell The FCC, Congress To Support Net Neutrality

Net neutrality advocates are gathering momentum to take Comcast to the woodshed for an old fashioned populist beating. Comcast believes that deliberately destroying connections to the popular communications protocol BitTorrent amounts to “reasonable network management,” which the FCC permits. Advocates figure if they can’t ride the net neutrality pony to Congressional passage now, it will forever lie dormant in the stable munching on BitTorrent packet hay.

Verizon FiOS Sets Another House On Fire

Verizon FiOS Sets Another House On Fire

UPDATE: $1800 For FiOS House Fire Family Is Just An Advance, Says Verizon [More]

Some Verizon Phones Adjusted For Daylight Saving Time This Morning, Call For Credit

Dear Consumerist,

Customers Fight Back Against Hyperaggressive Verizon FiOs Door-to-Door Marketers

Eric and Sarah write:

Thanks to the executive email listing found on Consumerist, I was able to fight back against the invasive marketing of Verizon Fios! Here’s the email I sent last week:

Comcast Calls FCC Decision To Ban Apartment Cable Deals "A Blow" To Consumers

Comcast Calls FCC Decision To Ban Apartment Cable Deals "A Blow" To Consumers

The FCC approved a rule banning apartment building cable deals today, and Comcast is all mad about it.

Google In Talks With Verizon About Putting Its Software On Their Phones?

Google In Talks With Verizon About Putting Its Software On Their Phones?

Google’s not answering any questions, and Verizon is being all coy about it, but anonymous sources have told the press that the two companies are in talks right now over installing Google apps on Verizon phones—an interesting idea, though not quite as dramatic as installing the full-fledged phone operating system that Google has supposedly been working on for a while now. The big questions (for consumers) are: will Google apps help subsidize the cost of phones or plans, or will Verizon just invent new inefficiencies to justify swallowing any new revenue? And will Google applications mean ads before making calls or sending an email? Also, Google already has some great (and totally free) applications out there for mobile devices—so what could they be offering through Verizon that’s so special?

Consumers Grow Unhappier With Buying Cellphones

Consumers Grow Unhappier With Buying Cellphones

Customer satisfaction with buying cellphones at stores fell this year, reports J.D. Power and Associates in the recently released 2007 Wireless Retail Sales Satisfaction StudySM-Volume 2.

Sprint Will Allow Departing Customers To Unlock Their Phones

Sprint Will Allow Departing Customers To Unlock Their Phones

Sprint will relinquish unlock codes to departing customers in good standing as part of proposed class action settlement.The class was formed last year by California consumers who argued that the locked phones bound them to Sprint by making it more expensive to switch carriers. Sprint claimed that releasing the codes was unnecessary since the service contract clearly informed consumers that phones would only work on Sprint’s network.

Vonage Settles With Verizon For Up To $117.5 Million

Vonage Settles With Verizon For Up To $117.5 Million

Well Vonage, you lost. Huge. The New York Times is reporting that Vonage has settled with Verizon for one of two amounts, depending on whether the courts will rehear the case.

Biz Columnist Changes His Mind, Now Says "Carriers Need Regulation"

Biz Columnist Changes His Mind, Now Says "Carriers Need Regulation"

You know telecoms are behaving badly when a business columnist who just a year ago argued for a hands-off government approach has reversed his opinion. “I’ve changed my mind,” he writes. “The behavior of the top telecommunications companies, especially Verizon Communications and AT&T, has convinced me that more government involvement is needed to keep communications free of corporate interference.”

Verizon Worker Stole Customer's IDs

Verizon Worker Stole Customer's IDs

A woman who worked at a Verizon store at the Green Acres Mall in Valley Stream, NY is accused of stealing the identities of more than 25 customers and using their personal information to obtain credit cards.

Verizon To Pay $1 Million To Customers After Falsely Advertising Data Plans As "Unlimited"

Verizon To Pay $1 Million To Customers After Falsely Advertising Data Plans As "Unlimited"

According to NY Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, Verizon Wireless has agreed to reimburse $1 million to customers for wrongful account termination after falsely advertising their wireless plans as “unlimited,” when in fact the company sets limits and terminates the accounts of heavy users.

Verizon Gives Up: Will Not Fight FCC's Open Access Rules

Verizon Gives Up: Will Not Fight FCC's Open Access Rules

Verizon Wireless abandoned its legal challenge Tuesday of the Federal Communications Commission’s rules for its upcoming auction of radio spectrum, removing a potential obstacle to the much-anticipated sale.