Are you in the market for a brand new Video Cassette Recorder? Then you better head to RadioShack — or another electronics store of yester-year — soon, as the last known company to make the video-playing machines will stop production after this month. [More]

Poll: 58% Of Americans Still Have A VCR
A new Gallup poll is making me very jealous, because I still have VHS tapes lying around that I can’t watch because my roommate made me throw out my old TV/VCR combo. Anyway! It turns out that 58% of Americans still have a VCR, which yes, is down from the 88% in 2005, but is still remarkable in this age of HD and digital whatnots. Anyone want to watch old taped episodes of My So-Called Life? I’ve got the VHS, if you’ve got the VCR. [Gallup] [More]

Panasonic Won't Replace Defective DVD/VCR Combo
David in Massachusetts bought a Panasonic combination VCR/DVD player about a year ago. It came with a special feature none of his previous Panasonic VCRs had: it randomly freezes. A lot.
Cage Match: DVD Beats VCR!
For the first time, more Americans have a DVD player than have a VCR says Nielsen Media Research. People aren’t throwing out the VCR: They’ve lost only 1/10th of their popularity, while DVD players are 6 times more popular than they were 6 years ago.