A wide-scale user revolt is disrupting popular social news networking Digg. It’s a protest over Digg acquiescing to MPAA pressure and deleting a 15,000+ dugg story about a crack for the HD-DVD/Blu-Ray DRM system.

Google Housing Lets You Search Real Estate And Rental Listings
Google now offers housing listings.

Gmail Disables User Accounts Without Reason Or Warning
UPDATE: Gmail says they accidentally disabled a huge swatch of user accounts in an attempt to fight a large spammer network, and is actively reinstating these accounts.

18 Confessions Of 2 Former T-Mobile Reps
Eighteen insider consumer tips from ex-Tmobile customer service representatives Christof and Anon. Oh no, we’re not done with that series. Not by a long shot.

Google Suggests You Swim Across The Atlantic Ocean
Google, either encouraging physical fitness or zero population growth, offers the above helpful suggestion when mapping the route from Chicago to London.
Click here for the full directions and map of the route.—MEGHANN MARCO

11 Confessions of a T-Mobile Sales Rep
T-Mobile doesn’t want to be left out of the fun! One of their sales reps has generously and selflessly written down his innermost thoughts and sent them to the Consumerist for your personal edification. Bask in the glory of Confessions of a T-Mobile Sales Rep…

Amazon's Complex Design Sells More
The prevailing trends in web design say go minimal or go home, so why then is Amazon’s front page cluster bomb of choices? It sells more, writes Alex Moskalyuk.

Lycos Customer Service Manager's Picture Held Hostage Until He Restores Customer's Email And Apologizes
Subject: http://tinyurl.com/2ftcg6 violation of my privacy.

Lycos Deletes All Of Customer's Email, Tells 'Em To Suck It
This is Mike Jandreau, master and commander of all customer service at Lycos. When you don’t check into your email for 30 days, Lycos deletes 2 years worth of your personal email.

Google Checkout OK For Micropayments
Google Checkout can be used for transactions as low as $.05, reader Mary Marsala With Fries confirms.
We Interview Google Checkout; Promises To Protect Consumers
Google Checkout looks like a Paypal-killer, but will it stand up for consumers when transactions go wrong? Google says yes.

Gawker’s Newest Gossip Sheet: Vallywag
The inherent nepotism of the Gawker elite requires us to point out that we’ve launched a wonderful new site, Valleywag. Their blurb: “Valleywag is a tech gossip rag. You people in Silicon Valley are far too busy changing the world to care about sex, greed and hypocrisy. But if you ever need a break, come visit us at Valleywag.”