Back in Aug ’06, a researcher ended up releasing 500,000+ AOL user search histories online and all sort of heck broke loose. One of the pieces of fallout was the search queries of User 927, who displayed a fondness for mold, mange, orchids, beauty and the beast disney porn and testicle festivals. The only sensible thing to do, of course, was to make it into a play.
user 927

AOL User 927, The Theatrical Production
A new play called “User 927,” inspired by the thousands of AOL users whose personal search histories were posted online for all to see and dissect, opens on June 6th at the St. Stephen’s Theatre in Philadelphia. Hardcore Consumerist readers will recall User 927’s fondness for mold, testicle festivals, slow-dancing steps, and pedophilic imagery (full search history here). The theater’s site say it’s “a thriller about cyberstalking, search engines, and the way information is obtained, manipulated, and released in our wired world.” We have high hopes for the production, judging by how awesome the group’s rendition of “A Very Merry Unauthorized Children’s Scientology Pageant” turned out (video inside…)