If you really love $1 coins, you’re probably in the minority. The U.S. Mint announced their vaults are jammed so full of the things, they’re going to pull back on producing them. Not only do they have enough hanging around, the dang things keep coming back because people just don’t want them. [More]
u.s treasury
Congrats, America, You're $14 Trillion In The Hole
The first step to get yourself out of a hole is to stop digging, but that’s a lesson the federal government refuses to acknowledge, allowing the national debt to soar past $14 trillion. [More]
Bush Signs Massive Mortgage Relief Bill
President Bush signed a massive mortgage relief bill that will help hundreds of thousands of homeowners refinance their unaffordable mortgages into fixed rate government backed loans rather than lose their homes to foreclosure. The bill also put tighter reigns on Freddie and Fannie, says the Associated Press.