Splashed by a cab in the rain at the airport? Hit by a bit of projectile vomit unleashed by your offspring? Uniqlo will sell you a shirt out of a vending machine at the airport. [More]

Nine States Expand Probe Into On-Call Scheduling, 15 More Retailers In The Hot Seat
With the help of seven other states and the District of Columbia, New York is expanding the probe into on-call scheduling in the retail world, sending letters to 15 more retailers asking them about their use of the practice. [More]

All Retailers Should Stack Their T-Shirts This Way Because It’s Awesome
This one of those moments when the world seems to actually shift on its axis and the truth beams out through a puffy cloud in the heavens: Everything about the way retailers fold shirts has been completely wrong, and this is the one true path to shopping enlightenment. [More]

Proof George Costanza Is A Timeless Fashion Icon
I know we don’t usually veer this far into fashion and whatnot, but since Japan’s Uniqlo just set a record by signing a $300 million contract for a store on 5th ave in NYC, we thought it germane to mention that George Costanza is clearly their main fashion inspiration. [More]

Uniqlo Paying Record $300 Million For Fifth Avenue Spot
Retailers around the country may be shuttering branches and going out of business, but New York’s Fifth Avenue is apparently recession-proof. Setting a record for a New York retail lease, Japanese clothing retailer Uniqlo will pay $300 million over 15 years for a spot on Fifth Avenue and 53rd street. [More]

UNIQLO Dispenses HEATTECH Innerware From "Giant Human Vending Machine" …What's That?
To promote its new line of HEATTECH innerware (that’s the new word for thermal underwear), UNIQLO will be giving out free samples of it in a “giant human vending machine” from 10AM-1PM in the middle of Times Square on November 18th. Intrigued by the concept of a giant human vending machine but befuddled about its execution, I engaged in parlay with their PR flak, with amusing and quirky results. So now, we bring you the first installment in our new series: Conversations With PR Flaks…