Hershey decision to redesign the company logo to look more chocolaty was probably well-intentioned. But as they say, the road to hell is paved with good intentions… and littered with poo from jerks who don’t pick up after their dogs. [More]

Hardee's Biggest Franchisee Refuses To Show Anus Spot On TV
Remember Hardee’s anal-centric “a-hole” ads? Even if they never aired in your area, they’ve been floating around online for a few weeks at least. Ben Mayo Boddie, who operates 350 Hardee’s restaurants from his home in North Carolina, has had enough of a-hole this, ball muncher that, and he’s refusing to air the spots.

Hardee's New Ad: Our Food Tastes Better Than Someone's Anus!
Not to be outdone by Burger King‘s “fellate our new burger” ad, Hardee’s restaurant has launched a similarly juvenile campaign with its new “biscuit holes.” You can probably guess where this is going.