
GetTaxi Claims Uber Employees Played Dirty By Ordering, Then Canceling A Bunch Of Cars

GetTaxi Claims Uber Employees Played Dirty By Ordering, Then Canceling A Bunch Of Cars

Just as badly as you want a car to whisk you away through the snowy streets, so do the companies that run those car services want to be the ones to provide you with your ride. And it sounds like it’s getting dirty out there, with one rival of service Uber claiming company employees pulled the nasty trick of ordering up a hundred of its cars and then canceling. [More]

Here’s Why Your Next UberX Ride Might Cost Less Than It Used To

Here’s Why Your Next UberX Ride Might Cost Less Than It Used To

Regular Uber customers likely know about how much their rides costs, so if you suddenly see a cheaper rate pop up on your phone for the UberX service, it’s not just that you look really nice that day or have a fairy cabmother. I mean, you might, but in reality Uber is lowering rates in some areas to get more customers. [More]

How A 12-Mile Car Ride Can Cost $357.08

How A 12-Mile Car Ride Can Cost $357.08

One person’s “supply and demand” is another person’s “price gouging.” Uber, a smartphone app that matches up professional drivers who want to pick up strangers and people in need of rides, is a serious competitor for licensed taxis in many cities, but its business model has one feature that taxis generally don’t: surge pricing. [More]

There Should Be A Kitten Delivery Service In Every Town Across This Country

There Should Be A Kitten Delivery Service In Every Town Across This Country

When our readers tell us they want more of something — in this case, stories about cats because who can ever get enough of those? — we listen. And we want that same listening spirit to extend to whoever might be able to set up a service that brings kittens to your door for some playtime and cuddly cat times in every town across this great country we call home. [More]


Forget The Whistle: NYC Taxi & Limousine Commission Changes Rules For Cab-Hailing Apps

You can use an app to order a pizza, another to refill your prescriptions and there’s probably one out there that will just tell you you’re pretty, so why not an app to hail a cab? In New York City, the issue of taxi-hailing apps has been a hot issue, as the apps go against rules that forbid cabs from making pre-arranged pick-ups. That’s all about to change, as the city’s Taxi and Limousine Commission voted to approve a temporary new set of rules that will allow such apps. [More]