Besides the obvious misspelling, it seems now that Walmart considers a measuring cup a “gadget.” Ooh, look at these fancy graduated lines! Futuristic. Someone send Gizmodo a press release.

Internal Geek Squad Memo Acclaims "Notorious" Service
We received an internal Geek Squad memo that acclaims the world-renowned service for which they are “notorious.” The Oxford English Dictionary defines notorious as: “famous or well known, typically for some bad quality or deed.”

Could We Really Hold The Ritz Carlton Their $.01 Per Night Typo?
Regarding Ritz Carlton not honoring a 1 cent reservation, Mark dug up more contract law, ran it by his professor, tossed it off to a legal mailing list, and turned up some interesting bits.
Ritz Carlton Won't Honor $.01 Per Night Reservation
Mark’s sister found a room at the Ritz Carlton in London for just one penny per night on, only to have it snatched away.

H&R Block’s Freudian Slip
The Consumerist has its fair share of typos, but at least we don’t make them in a fixed medium.