Remember the husband and wife who were told they had to pay $3,500 and suffered credit damage after posting a negative review of a company online? Of course you do, because it’s all ridiculous for numerous reasons — all which have been pointed out in a letter from Public Citizen Litigation, which is representing Jen and John. [More]
turnabout is fair play

Bet That iPhone Thief Didn't Think His Disney Cruise Adventures Would End Up On Owner's Facebook
Technology combined with social networks can create a kind of vicious oversharing cycle. Yes — we’ve all seen pictures of food, and yes it’s great to know what you made for dinner. But in the case of a woman whose iPhone was stolen, cloud technology paired with Facebook has made for an interesting twist, as she’s chronicling her property’s photographic adventures with the thief in an attempt to get it back. [More]

Obama Administration Turning Out To Be Quite Expensive For Airlines
ABCNews has an article that contrasts the Obama administration’s handing of the airlines with the previous one — and one thing is for certain — it’s getting much more expensive to mess with consumers. [More]