
AirTran's Disingenuous "System-Wide Summer Sale"

AirTran's Disingenuous "System-Wide Summer Sale"

Monday, AirTran announced a so-called “System-Wide Summer Sale.” looked at the price history and found that instead, AirTran had raised prices, then lowered them, calling the delta a “sale.”

Best Of US Airways

Best Of US Airways

“Fewest Available Seats (avoid these airlines): US Airways”

How To Repel Mosquitos Without Bleeding Your Wallet

How To Repel Mosquitos Without Bleeding Your Wallet

If you, like me, are a mosquito magnet, summer weather brings with it a particular kind of dread. Though my Brooklyn neighborhood would hardly be confused with “nature,” our wee outdoor space can feel like the Everglades. Since I tend to obsess about spending summer as bugless as possible, I thought I’d share a few tips for fellow urbanites.

US Airways Promises To Fix Its Awful, Broken Website

US Airways Promises To Fix Its Awful, Broken Website

Call us skeptics, but when US Airways promises to fix its awful, broken website, we choose to wait and see if it happens. That’s because we’re mean.

How To Avoid Getting Bumped From A Flight

How To Avoid Getting Bumped From A Flight

Tips for protecting against getting bumped from a flight, courtesy of the July issue of Kiplinger’s we found on the airplane this weekend.

TSA Uploads Video Of "Sippy Cup" Incident On Special "MythBusting" Website

TSA Uploads Video Of "Sippy Cup" Incident On Special "MythBusting" Website

The TSA has uploaded the incident report and surveillance video that they claim shows the “sippy cup terrorist” Mom intentionally dumping her child’s water on the floor of the airport after having claimed “she was an officer and flashed her Secret Service badge and credentials and said that she should be exempt from all this and this was a stupid policy and this whole thing was [redacted].” We’re guessing that last word was bullshit, but like we said, that’s just an educated guess.

TSA Detains Mother, Threatens Arrest Over Sippy Cup Full of Tap Water

TSA Detains Mother, Threatens Arrest Over Sippy Cup Full of Tap Water

UPDATE: TSA released video of the incident: TSA Denies “Sippy Cup” Incident, Creates “MythBusting” Website In Response

Airlines Flying Old Planes, Not Buying New Ones

Airlines Flying Old Planes, Not Buying New Ones

According to Reuters, the “legacy” airlines are flying old planes and not ordering any new ones. The youngest fleet belongs to Continental—their planes have an average age of 10 years. So why aren’t airlines buying any new, more fuel efficient planes?

Yes Virginia, Scammers DO Use Stolen Credit Cards To Buy Airline Tickets

Yes Virginia, Scammers DO Use Stolen Credit Cards To Buy Airline Tickets

After reading some of the incredulous comments on, “Easy For Fraudsters To Fool E-Ticket Kiosks,” we asked a former identity thief whether fraudsters ever actually used stolen credit cards for airline tickets. He said:

Yes, people card them and yes its very risky, however people have made a killing doing it.


UPDATE: US Airways Broken Lost And Found Page

We reported to US Airways how their online Lost and Found form leads to a 404 error, and this is the response we got:

Dear Ben Popken,

5 Near Collisions Over New York Airports Last Month

5 Near Collisions Over New York Airports Last Month

We’ve been hearing a lot about how the FAA is stressed and there aren’t enough air traffic controllers, but this is nuts: According to the NYPost, there were 5 near collisions over New York airports in the last month. There were 5 for all of 2006. What the heck?

US Airways Numbers That Don't Work Quite Right

US Airways Numbers That Don't Work Quite Right

US Airways’ phone system is jacked up and many publicly provided numbers don’t seem to go to the right place. Par example:

    866-523-5333 – Customer care. Press 3 to leave a comment or complaint about a previous flight, stay on hold for 30+ minutes and/or get told they’re really sorry but there just doesn’t seem to be anyone around to help you.

US Airways Broken Lost And Found Page

US Airways Broken Lost And Found Page

The US Airways Lost and Found website page returns a 404 Not Found error when accessed. Maybe they should try looking in their lost and found? But how would they reach themselves?

Easy For Fraudsters To Fool E-Ticket Kiosks

Easy For Fraudsters To Fool E-Ticket Kiosks

It would be really easy for someone to steal your credit card and buy and use an airplane ticket.

State Department Delays Implementation Of New Passport Regulations Until September 30

State Department Delays Implementation Of New Passport Regulations Until September 30

Unable to cope with the overwhelming demand for new passports, the State Department will allow Americans to travel between Mexico, Canada and Caribbean nations without a passport until September 30. Citizens have needed a passport to fly to and from neighboring nations since January 23.

TSA To Airlines: "You Owe Us $219 Million"

TSA To Airlines: "You Owe Us $219 Million"

US Airways Group Inc. owes $18 million; UAL Corp.’s United Airlines, $15 million; Continental Airlines Inc., $14 million; Northwest Airlines Corp., $9 million; and America West Airlines, now part of US Airways, $8 million, Howe said

According to the airlines, the fees are excessive, and they’re refusing to pay them. It all stems from the way the TSA’s budget is calculated. The airlines are responsible for paying fees based on an estimation of what it cost them to run airport security in 2000. The airlines say it cost $300 million, the TSA says the real figure is closer to $750 million.

“We believe it is time for the TSA to develop a new system for allocating these costs, which is based on 2000 market shares,” said Tim Wagner, a spokesman for American, the world’s largest airline. “This old system is fundamentally unfair.”

AirTran Charges $15 For Exit Row Seat Assignment, Makes Customers Sad

AirTran Charges $15 For Exit Row Seat Assignment, Makes Customers Sad


AirTran’s email inside.

United Flight Attendants Scoff At Grounded Flier Compensation Plan, Lobby For Passengers Bill of Rights

United Flight Attendants Scoff At Grounded Flier Compensation Plan, Lobby For Passengers Bill of Rights

You know who has to deal with a planeload full of sweaty, angry grounded passengers? Flight attendants. Know who wants a passengers bill of rights? Flight attendants. Specifically, United Airlines flight attendants. They’ve issued a press release through their union criticizing United’s “Flights of Note” compensation plan for grounded fliers.