
Capital One Pockets Traveler's $6000, Ruins Vacation

Capital One Pockets Traveler's $6000, Ruins Vacation

Mike and his wife are backpacking their way around the world, and like a smart consumer, before they left he looked around for a credit card without a currency conversion charge. Capital One is fee free, which in theory makes it ideal for travel. In reality, there are hidden costs, and they’re called human stupidity and random interpretation of the rules. As a consequence, he’s “pre-paid” $6,000 onto a Capital One card that has been red-flagged and frozen, and Capital One refuses to budge—even though they acknowledge there are notes on the account that indicated he would do this before he did it, and even though they’re the ones who told him to pre-pay.

Some Spare Batteries Banned On Flights

Some Spare Batteries Banned On Flights

Because some have been known to spontaneously combust, the Department of Transportation (DOT) is banning some lithium batteries from your checked-in luggage. In the spring, a laptop battery related fire erupted in the overhead compartment of a Jetblue flight, and on an American Airlines flight from Argentina, prompting the DOT to issue a warning about packing spare batteries. Lithium batteries are commonly used in laptops and cellphones. However, the rules mainly apply to professionals and/or people who travel with spare batteries. For the most part, batteries installed in the electronic device are fine. Inside, a handy chart to tell you what’s been banned. [More]

Stressed? Grab A Last Minute Cruise Deal

Stressed? Grab A Last Minute Cruise Deal

Last minute deals are so great because they represent revenue that would otherwise be lost to the company offering it. The cruise ship will set sail with a full complement of crew and supplies regardless of the actual passenger count and an empty cabin represents a lot of lost revenue so selling it at a discount to the rack price is something they’re very much willing to do. It’s why hotels and airlines sometimes have last minute fares and discounts, an empty room or seat is lost revenue.


Don’t bring $3000 worth of wine to Melbourne’s Tullmarine airport packed in your carry-on luggage, because they are hardcore. [ via Fark]

JetBlue Flight Attendant Takes Revenge On Passenger Who Asked Her To Stop Speaking Loudly

A JetBlue flight attendant threw a hissy fit when a passenger failed to return her jammed seat to the upright and locked position. The stewardess admitted that the seat’s spring was broken, but still gave the passenger a “warning card” and had airport security meet the plane at the gate. Why? A fellow passenger explains, after the jump.

A Big List Of Foods That You Can Bring Through Airport Security

A Big List Of Foods That You Can Bring Through Airport Security

The Transportation Security Administration is very clear on what types of foods you can and can not bring onto an airplane, but most people think that the “liquid” ban extends to cheeseburgers. Not so.

The TSA’s only restrictions are that any food items brought through security must be either be whole, natural foods (like an orange), or be in placed in a container or otherwise wrapped up. All food must be x-rayed.

Miss Your Plane And US Airways Cancels Your Return Flight, Offers No Compensation

Miss Your Plane And US Airways Cancels Your Return Flight, Offers No Compensation

I have a lovely story that I hope you’ll run about our favorite industry… Airlines 🙂

Skybus Repairs Its Planes, Resumes Flying

Skybus Repairs Its Planes, Resumes Flying

The airline was offering refunds for flights that were canceled and was making efforts to rebook travelers on later Skybus flights. But Skybus was unable to transfer passengers to flights on other airlines because it does not have agreements with other carriers, Tenenbaum said.

U.S. Airways Strands Woman In Wheelchair On The Tarmac?

U.S. Airways Strands Woman In Wheelchair On The Tarmac?

This story has plenty of salaciousness and few details, but here we go: A woman is claiming that U.S. Airways employees helped her off of her flight from Bakersfield to Las Vegas, then left her parked in a wheelchair on the tarmac, causing her to miss her connection to Orlando. Eventually, another employee found the woman, wheeled her into a hallway and left. The woman’s daughter says that the employee told her mother, “this is not my job, but I can park you here.”

Employees May Hate US Airways More Than Their Customers Do

Employees May Hate US Airways More Than Their Customers Do

A rich record of the employee discontent emerges from regular question-and-answer sessions held at US Airways, which is both the worst-performing big airline in the country and a company that encourages its 36,000 workers to direct tough questions at its chief executive, W. Douglas Parker.

Continental Strands You In Newark With Your Cat, Offers $75 Voucher

Continental Strands You In Newark With Your Cat, Offers $75 Voucher

I just received about the lamest answer from Continental after presenting them with my complaint, a $75 coupon. I was flying into Ponce, through Newark on the 11th of December. Due to weather, supposedly, I missed my connection in Newark and I was left at 1AM, with no bags or vouchers, or apologies, or upgrades of any sort. The next flight was 24 hours away, only one flight a day. I’m attaching the emails I’ve exchanged with them in hope that you’ll publish them and perhaps cause them some well-deserved shame and bad publicity. I can’t believe they boast of ‘best in customer satisfaction.’

Frontier Kicks Grandmother Off Plane, Claims Her Pre-Approved Pet Carrier Was 2" Too Long

Frontier Kicks Grandmother Off Plane, Claims Her Pre-Approved Pet Carrier Was 2" Too Long

Frontier airlines kicked a cancer-surviving grandmother in her sixties, Julie Fishback, off their plane because the pet carrier holding her Jack Russell Terrier was two-inches too long. This surprised Julie, who had made the two-hour trek to the airport several days before to confirm that she would be allowed to fly with the “universally accepted” carry-on pet carrier she had recently purchased.

MAXjet Goes Bankrupt, Strands Passengers On Christmas Eve

MAXjet Goes Bankrupt, Strands Passengers On Christmas Eve

On Monday, the young all-business-class airline MAXjet filed for bankruptcy protection and ceased all operations, “leaving jets on tarmacs and stranding passengers on Christmas Eve.” To compensate, the airline has been booking hotel rooms through early January 2008 in the four cities it served, and trying to arrange for other airlines to take on their passengers—”Continental Airlines and Silverjet Aviation Ltd., another all-business class carrier, said they would honor limited numbers of MAXjet tickets.”


Last Wednesday, a US Judge rejected airlines efforts to overturn a New York state law that says airlines have to provide, “fresh air and lights, waste removal services and adequate food and drinking water” if passengers are stuck on the tarmac for over three hours. [ATA vs CUOMO (PDF)]

People Who Buy First-Class Tickets On Discount Airlines Are Like…

People Who Buy First-Class Tickets On Discount Airlines Are Like…

benpopken: Well let’s kick it up a notch. Let’s say that a guy buys a first-class ticket on AirTran, and then when the steward is asking all the first-class passengers what they want to drink before take-off, he asks for a Grey Goose and cran…

Unruly Passenger Forces JetBlue Flight To Make Unscheduled Landing

Unruly Passenger Forces JetBlue Flight To Make Unscheduled Landing

An unidentified passenger is being questioned by the Denver police department after his unruly behavior forced a JetBlue flight from New York to San Francisco to land at DIA.

TSA Declares Victory, Achieves Same Vaunted Status As IRS

TSA Declares Victory, Achieves Same Vaunted Status As IRS

The IRS is celebrating the results of an AP poll that ranks the TSA as the most hated arm of the federal government. More than anything, Americans apparently hate being inconvenienced by seemingly pointless and arbitrary security checks.

The AP poll, conducted Monday through Wednesday, found that the more people travel, the less they like TSA.

Worst Times To Fly Into The Top 10 Most Delayed Airports

Worst Times To Fly Into The Top 10 Most Delayed Airports

Here are the worst times to fly into the top ten most delayed airports in America. If your flight plans bring you through one of these airports at one of these times, you may want to consider changing your itinerary.