
Get Free Seat Upgrades By Asking When You're Onboard

Get Free Seat Upgrades By Asking When You're Onboard

Adam’s letter yesterday laid bare what smart travelers already know: you can request a seat upgrade (like the emergency exit row which boasts more legroom) for free once you’re aboard.

Skybus Will Try To Mimic Some Other Ultra-Low-Cost Carriers, Just Without The Whole Imploding Aspect

Skybus Will Try To Mimic Some Other Ultra-Low-Cost Carriers, Just Without The Whole Imploding Aspect

The first thing that comes to mind when reading about the super duper low cost, and low amenity, airlines service offered by Skybus, is Ryanair. They pioneered low-fare short-hauls in Europe, and also levied surcharges luggage, preferential seating and food. The second are People Express and Laker Airways, low-cost carriers that hit big, only to overextend themselves and dissolve. Skybus plans to hold out thanks to $160 million in startup kitty. The airline only has four planes right now, will get four more at the end of the year, and get 65 more delivered by 2012. Maybe by keeping an even keel on a more moderate growth strategy will spare Skybus the fate of its antecedents. — BEN POPKEN

Virgin Atlantic Charges $110 For Seat Upgrade, Gives Same Seat To Another Passenger For Free, Doesn't Care

Virgin Atlantic Charges $110 For Seat Upgrade, Gives Same Seat To Another Passenger For Free, Doesn't Care

UPDATE: Looks like we bungled this one. We asked travel expert Mark Ashley for clarification and he said:

Skybus – New Zero-Frills Airline With $10 Tickets

Skybus is a new airline launched today boasting $10 tickets, but you get what you pay for.

Airlines Salivating Over Open Skies Agreement

Airlines Salivating Over Open Skies Agreement

The Trans-Atlantic deregulation agreement known as “Open Skies” has airlines chomping at the bit—even though the start date is still 11 months away, according to USAToday. The agreement will allow any US airline to fly anywhere in the EU and any EU airline to fly anywhere in the US. So, will you be flying Aer Lingus from Cleveland to Dallas? Maybe. Will it be cheaper?

Update: PointMaven Now Uncovers Superior Hotel Reward Offers With Maps

Update: PointMaven Now Uncovers Superior Hotel Reward Offers With Maps

So here it is: now shows the hotels and promotions on Google Maps. It currently supports 3 programs (Marriott, InterContinental Priority Club, Starwood Preferred Guest), and the others will be phased in.

If there is anything we like, it’s fast, responsive customer service. If you’re planning on booking a hotel anytime soon, give another look. — CAREY GREENBERG-BERGER

Downloading Overseas? Here's Your $7,124 Cingular Bill

Downloading Overseas? Here's Your $7,124 Cingular Bill

Using cell and data services overseas can be complicated and expensive as one Spokane financial planner recently discovered.

First Class Meals Get Increasingly Delicious As You Suck On A Pretzel For Sustenance

First Class Meals Get Increasingly Delicious As You Suck On A Pretzel For Sustenance

We’ll have to take the New York Times’ word on it, but they say that First Class meals on airlines are getting increasingly decadent as coach passengers cling with desperation to a maxipad-sized package of trail mix. From the NYT:

Charlie Trotter, the Chicago chef, will soon introduce dishes created for premier United Airlines passengers. (Mr. Trotter’s personal tip? Try the short ribs spiced with Thai-style barbecue sauce.)

AirTran: Here's Your Pretend Voucher, Have Fun Redeeming It

AirTran: Here's Your Pretend Voucher, Have Fun Redeeming It

It certainly looks real, but according to AirTran this voucher may not be valid. Why? Because it doesn’t specifically say you get a flight. Why would AirTran issue vouchers that don’t vouch for anything? We just don’t know.

POLL: What About Airlines Using Backwards Seats?

POLL: What About Airlines Using Backwards Seats?

Airlines are said to be considering using some seats that face backwards, alternating with forward-facing seats. The proposal aims to both fit in more fare-paying booties, and provide more leg room.

Be Sure To Check The Status of Your Flights Today

Be Sure To Check The Status of Your Flights Today

There are delays of over 2 hours at some airports in the northeast today, so you’ll want to make sure to check the status of your flight before you head to the airport. JetBlue, ever the media whore, is canceling 44 flights in an attempt to take pressure off the system. According to the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, 600 flights were canceled Sunday due to gale-force winds in the Northeast.

Your Ticket Taxes Fund Corporate Jets

Your Ticket Taxes Fund Corporate Jets

Billions of dollars in the taxes and fees you pay on airline tickets are being funneled to make upgrades at small airports used mainly by corporate jets and private pilots, the AP reports.

Update: Expedia's Price Match Guarantee

Update: Expedia's Price Match Guarantee

Remember Ryan? He unsuccessfully tried to hold Expedia to their “Best Price Guarantee.” The staff of read our story and picked up where we left off. Thanks to their efforts, Expedia offered Ryan a $200 travel credit towards a previously-scheduled itinerary.

Brenda from corporate customer care contacted me by phone yesterday. She apologized very genuinely and even engaged in a lengthy conversation about how things might be improved. She offered me a $200 travel credit towards future travel, which I politely declined. She then proceeded to refund $200 off my OTHER existing itinerary (not even the trip that caused all this trouble!).

New Study: Flying Is The Worst Part Of The Trip

New Study: Flying Is The Worst Part Of The Trip

Asked to cite their “most problematic” trip experiences, 40 percent of those surveyed cited flight delays and 21 percent said airport security. Only 15 percent said hotel amenities and cleanliness, while 9 percent cited rental cars.

Air Traffic Controllers Are Sleepy

Air Traffic Controllers Are Sleepy

Fatigued air traffic controllers contributed to four aviation mishaps in recent years, and may have been a factor in last year’s Comair crash that killed 49 people, according to federal accident investigators.

These Airplanes Are Really %&*!#! Crowded

These Airplanes Are Really %&*!#! Crowded

The major airlines are reporting the most crowded March ever, with more planes flying close to capacity than ever before. From USA Today:

As the big airlines have clawed their way out of the deep financial losses that followed terrorism and recession earlier in the decade, they’ve aggressively moved to fill every seat possible with a paying passenger. In March, spring break vacationers and bad weather jammed even more people than normal into planes.

Mice On A Plane: Search For Escaped Pet Mouse Grounds Flight For 4 Hours

Mice On A Plane: Search For Escaped Pet Mouse Grounds Flight For 4 Hours

A Vietnam Airlines flight was grounded for more than 4 hours while flight crews searched for an escaped pet mouse that had been spotted by a passenger. It is suspected to have been smuggled aboard by its owner, who has not been identified.The mouse was eventually found in the airplane’s food compartment.

Car Rental Grace Periods Died Graceless Death

Car Rental Grace Periods Died Graceless Death

You may have missed it, but a number of national car-rental places amended or ended their car-rental grace periods this year. These were rules that said if you returned your car an hour or two late, they wouldn’t charge you for the overtime.