While some suppliers of bankrupt toy mega-chain Toys ‘R’ Us are desperate to make sure that the chain stays in business, others are taking the opportunity to stop dealing with the mega-chain. That’s because they’ve already shipped thousands or millions of dollars’ worth of merchandise to the deeply indebted retailer that they may never be paid for. [More]
toy story

Attention Kmart Shoppers: There's A Special On Tom Hanks In Aisle 8
Mr. Tom Hanks, voice of Woody in Toy Story 3 just posted this picture of himself in a Kmart, dressed up like he works there, holding a Woody doll. He’s apparently filming a movie called Larry Crowne in which he plays someone who works retail. We can’t help but be a little saddened that this isn’t real. Why can’t Tom Hanks work at Kmart? Why? Why? Why? [More]