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Top Posts Of The Week And Open Thread

You Can Make Your Own Liquid Tamiflu At Home

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Top Posts Of The Week And Open Thread

50 Things Restaurant Staffers Should Never Do

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Iceland Is So Messed Up McDonald’s Is Giving Up And Going Home

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Top Posts Of The Week And Open Thread

Fake Lottery Winner Enrages Burlington Coat Factory Shoppers

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Top Posts Of The Week And Open Thread

Tapwater Catches Fire After Natural Gas Drillers Move In

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Top Posts Of The Week And Open Thread

Ralph Lauren Is As Weirded Out By This Ad As We Are

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Top Posts Of The Week And Open Thread

Man Goes Into Business Delivering Costco To Overpriced NYC Neighborhoods

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Top Posts Of The Week And Open Thread

Let’s All Judge Britney Spears’ AMEX Bill

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Top Posts Of The Week And Open Thread

MMS For iPhone Rollout Begins, 2 Weeks Early

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Squash Minimum Purchase Fees With Wallet-Sized Merchant Agreement

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Top Posts Of The Week And Open Thread

Customer Bills Companies For Time Wasted – Pret A Manger Actually Pays Up

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Water Bottles Marketed To BPA-Fearing Parents Contained BPA All Along

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Top Posts Of The Week And Open Thread

U-Haul’s New “U-Prison” Proves Unpopular With Customers

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ThinkGeek Embraces Accidental Giveaway, Lets People Keep Freebies

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Top Posts Of The Week And Open Thread

Mom Drags Kid Through Verizon Store On Leash

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Top Posts Of The Week And Open Thread

Subway Worker Wonders Why You Would Eat Their “Disgusting” Food

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Top Posts Of The Week And Open Thread

10 Easy Ways To Keep Your Flight Attendant Happy

Top Posts Of The Week

Top Posts Of The Week

The Only Thing Left For Starbucks? To Just Stop Being Starbucks