

How Will Tobacco Companies’ Ads Say Sorry To Americans?

Do you remember when your mom made you apologize to your brother for being mean and you just repeated what she said word-for-word? Did you actually mean any of it? No, didn’t think so. That appears to be the same case with a mock-up of the ad tobacco companies may use to apologize to consumers for hiding the dangers of tobacco. [More]

Jenny McCarthy, the latest sorta-famous person from the '90s to shill for electronic cigarettes.

Los Angeles Might Treat Sale Of E-Cigarettes Like Regular Smokes

It’s not just has-been actors like Stephen Dorff and Jenny McCarthy who smoke electronic cigarettes. They have become increasingly popular not just with smokers trying to quit but with people who want the fun of smoking without the whole “ashtray lung” after effect. Additionally, e-cigs don’t come with most of the pesky sales limitations of their tobacco counterparts, making them easier to buy and sell for some folks. But if the Los Angeles City Council gets its way, electronic cigarettes will soon be treated exactly the same as the unplugged versions. [More]

40 Attorneys General Agree: E-Cigarettes Need To Be Regulated Like Tobacco

40 Attorneys General Agree: E-Cigarettes Need To Be Regulated Like Tobacco

The use of electronic cigarettes is growing rapidly, not just among tobacco users seeking a smoke-free alternative, but also among those who’ve never smoked but still want to experience the effects of nicotine. Concerned about this relatively unregulated (at least compared to tobacco) market, the attorneys general of 37 states — plus AGs for Puerto Rico, Guam, and the U.S. Virgin Islands — have written to the FDA asking for more regulatory controls on the sale and marketing of e-cigarettes. [More]

Australian Smokers Think Plain Packaging Makes Tobacco Taste Worse

Australian Smokers Think Plain Packaging Makes Tobacco Taste Worse

Plain tobacco packaging is a global movement aimed at undoing decades of ads and branding messages. Tobacco products get sold in identical plain boxes with only plain letters on the front: no logos, no pictures. Well, that’s not true: there are gruesome pictures of smoking-related illnesses. Plain packaging is now the law in Australia, and smokers don’t like it. Because they say their tobacco tastes different now. [More]


FDA Okays Two New Cigarettes Because They Are Just As Harmful As What’s Already Available

The Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act of 2009 gave the Food and Drug Administration the authority to regulate tobacco products. Since then, no new tobacco products have been released on the U.S. market, but that’s about to change with the FDA giving the green light to a pair of new cigarette offerings that the agency says are no better or worse for you than what’s already legally available. [More]


Former Tobacco Fields Now Grow Chickpeas To Serve America’s Growing Hummus Addiction

Fewer Americans smoke today, which is a really good thing for our collective health and finances as a nation. It’s not so good for farmers in the areas of Virginia and the Carolinas that once were tobacco country. However, it just so happens that there’s a new addiction sweeping the nation that those farmers can profit from. Americans just can’t stop gobbling hummus. [More]

Supreme Court Agrees: Cigarette Warning Labels Don’t Violate Big Tobacco’s Free Speech

Supreme Court Agrees: Cigarette Warning Labels Don’t Violate Big Tobacco’s Free Speech

For the last several years, the tobacco industry has been fighting a federal law that requires, among other restrictions, cigarette manufacturers to place graphic warning labels on packaging. Big Tobacco may need to finally get with the program, now that the U.S. Supreme Court has rejected the companies’ challenge to the law on the grounds that it violates their First Amendment rights. [More]

Would $81 For A Pack Of Cigarettes Put An End To Smoking?

Would $81 For A Pack Of Cigarettes Put An End To Smoking?

While lawmakers here in the U.S. have developed a habit in recent years of raising taxes on cigarettes as a way to curb smoking while increasing tax revenue from those who continue to inhale, officials in New Zealand are giving some thought to what they would need to charge in order to make people quit smoking once and for all. [More]

Higher Cigarette Taxes Drove Smokers To Pipe Tobacco & Cigars

Higher Cigarette Taxes Drove Smokers To Pipe Tobacco & Cigars

Among the intended goals of higher taxes on cigarettes is that some smokers will quit rather than deal with the increased cost. While this may happen, newly released numbers show that taxing cigarettes also drove up the sales of forms of tobacco that are taxed at lower rates. [More]

Tobacco Companies Required To Report Levels Of Dozens Of Chemicals

Tobacco Companies Required To Report Levels Of Dozens Of Chemicals

The Food & Drug Administration says there are more than 7,000 chemicals in tobacco and tobacco smoke. And now the FDA says consumers have a right to know about the levels of 93 harmful or potentially harmful chemicals that are in the products they smoke and/or chew. [More]

Appeals Court Rules Graphic Cigarette Labels Don't Violate Free Speech

Appeals Court Rules Graphic Cigarette Labels Don't Violate Free Speech

The latest battle over those graphic anti-smoking labels on cigarette packaging has been won by the FDA, after a federal appeals court ruled yesterday that requiring the warnings does not violate tobacco companies’ First Amendment right to free speech. [More]

Judge: Graphic Cigarette Warning Labels Violate Right To Free Speech

Remember those graphic, sometimes gory, cigarette warning labels the FDA came up with? Well, a U.S. District Judge has sided with the tobacco companies and ruled that the warnings violate cigarette-makers’ right to free speech. [More]

Should Smokers Have To Pay The Full Tax If They Roll Their Own Cigarettes?

Should Smokers Have To Pay The Full Tax If They Roll Their Own Cigarettes?

Since state and local governments began slapping heavy taxes on cigarettes, a number of smokers have managed to pay less by buying loose tobacco and rolling their own. But as a growing number of stores have begun offering free-to-use roll-your-own machines that take the loose material and spit out a pile of smokes that look like they came straight out of the carton, some lawmakers are crying foul. [More]

Tobacco Companies Sue FDA Over New Warning Labels

Tobacco Companies Sue FDA Over New Warning Labels

In an effort to get the Food and Drug Administration to shut down its plans to slap graphic new warning labels on tobacco products, four large tobacco firms have sued the government. Big tobacco contends the labels will cost too much to print and will infringe on their rights to free speech. [More]

FDA Unveils New Tobacco Warning Labels For Teens To Laugh At While They Smoke

FDA Unveils New Tobacco Warning Labels For Teens To Laugh At While They Smoke

Last fall, the Food & Drug Administration announced they would be requiring tobacco packaging to carry larger and more graphic warning labels. And because our governmental agencies move like quicksilver, it only took about seven months for the FDA to finalize the nine images that will soon decorate your pack of Kools. [More]

This Cigarette Ice Cream Truck Is Doing It Wrong

This Cigarette Ice Cream Truck Is Doing It Wrong

Pro tip: when you buy an old ice cream truck and turn it into a mobile cigarette dispensary, you should probably cover up all the old ads for Bombpops and Choco Tacos. Reader discounteggroll’s co-worker snapped this picture at a gas station on the NY-CT border in Greenwich, CT. (Perhaps the truck is parked on the CT side of the parking lot, to take advantage of CT’s lower cigarette tax?) If it doesn’t violate any regulations, like the Tobacco Control Act of 2009 which prohibits the sale, distribution, marketing and promotion of cigarettes and smokeless tobacco to children under the age of 18, it’s in poor taste, even with the sign asking for ID. “One Big Vanilla ice cream sandwich, please.” “Sorry kid, we got Pall Malls.” [More]

FDA Panel Recommends Ban On Menthol Cigarettes

FDA Panel Recommends Ban On Menthol Cigarettes

If you like your cigarettes minty fresh, you might want to start stocking up now. Earlier today an FDA panel announced that a ban on menthol smokes would be a good thing for the public health. [More]

Brooklyn Smoker Grows Own Tobacco To Avoid Cigarette Taxes

Brooklyn Smoker Grows Own Tobacco To Avoid Cigarette Taxes

Frustrated by the tax-fueled rising costs of cigarettes, a Brooklyn woman has developed a private tobacco garden to feed her addiction frugally. She buys her seeds for $2 online and plants her tobacco along with roses and geraniums in her back yard. She expects to yield a total of 45 cartons of cigarettes from crops planted in 2009 and last year, saving her $5,000 from what she’d pay at retail. [More]