If you’re like many other humans on this planet, winter’s shorter days may get you feeling a bit down from lack of sunlight. But some folks in the state are on a mission to reclaim one hour of daylight, with a campaign to get Massachusetts to leave the Eastern Time Zone. [More]
time zones

Playstation Says No Free Trial Because It’s Already Tomorrow In England
When something has an expiration date and an end time isn’t specified, you sort of assume that the “day” ends at midnight where you are, or where the company is based. Most people do, anyway, and they shouldn’t. That’s what Howard learned when he tried to activate a free trial of PlayStation Plus, and he was a few hours too late. Not because he had forgotten to call before the offer expired, but because the day was already over. If you use Greenwich Mean Time. [More]

Use The Clock And Google Voice To Actually Reach The IRS
Sure, it’s not peak IRS season right now, but there is quite a variety of reasons that you might have to deal with the ever-present government agency anyway. Tax Cat is out of the office, vacationing at his offshore kitty condo in the Cayman Islands, so it’s up to reader Christopher, a tax preparer, to serve us up with handy tax advice. See, sometimes you have to call the IRS. You can’t avoid it. But so does everyone else in the country. What Christopher figured out is that the IRS call center doesn’t have fixed hours like most. Its open hours depend on what time zone you live in. His solution? Use a Google Voice number to fudge what time zone he’s in, and call late in the evening when the business day is done for most of the continental U.S. [More]