The consumer confidence index plunged to 25 in Feb., down from 37.4 in Jan. Many economists only predicted it would fall to 35. The index is based on a monthly survey of 5,000 households, responding “positive”, “negative” or “neutral” to five questions about how they feel about certain economic conditions. A decline means people are going to be spending less. Here’s a more specific breakdown of how people responded to the specific questions:
WaMu No Longer Provides Plastic Cutlery, Hot Chocolate, Keeps Tea
We had an email go out to employees here at WaMu. They’re going to stop providing us plastic cutlery, hot chocolate, creamer, and anything but regular tea.
Subprime Meltdown Kicks WaMu's @#$, Profits Down 75%
It must not be fun around WaMu headquarters today. Profits are down a whopping 75%.
This frugal mother keeps all the ketchup packets she ever gets from fast food places, puts them in a kitchen drawer, and when the ketchup bottle runs out, spends an hour with a funnel and scissors, refilling the bottle. Imagine how much more money she could have saved, in real dollars and health costs, if she forwent fast food in the first place. [Wisebread via Blogging Away Debt]
Toy Recalls Causing Headaches For Thrift Stores
It’s hard to tell what you need to take off the shelf when you buy your product by the pound and aren’t really sure what you’re getting. That’s the problem thrift stores are facing now that so many toys have been recalled.
Store manager Jeremy Lamb said recalls are nothing new to him and his employees. They regularly receive them from their Seattle-based corporate office and they’ll handle the Mattel recall like any other: The recalled toys will be pulled from the shelves and tossed in the trash compactor, he said.
Thrifty Reader Tip Roundup
Readers submitted their tips for saving and making a small amount of money in the comments on “30 Ways To Save A Dollar Day (Or More).” We enjoyed them so much brought them out for all to see and benefit.
The Office of Thrift Supervision Is Indeed Thrifty
As zieak says, “I thought it very thrifty of them to replace just the R and not the whole sign.”—MEGHANN MARCO