While the wireless industry is trying to abandon the practice of giving customers hardware discounts in exchange for agreeing to a two-year contract, Google is trying out that subsidized-device approach in Ireland with its pricey Nest thermostats. [More]

Here’s How To Override Your Hotel’s Thermostat To Achieve Optimal Climate Comfort
Walking into a hotel room that is not your very own home with the bed how you like it is often made even less welcoming when the place is a sauna or a veritable igloo. But often hotels set limits on how low and high the temperature can go, forcing guests to swelter/shiver it out. Unless you know how to tell the thermostat that you are a VIP. [More]

Most "Close Door" Buttons Don't Work, And Most Office Thermostats Are Fakes
You can stop pounding on the “Close Door” button on the elevator. They’re not there for you. Turns out that most of them don’t work unless you’ve a maintenance person or fireman with the special access key inserted. It’s just one of several different “placebo buttons” placed around our world that only give us the illusion of control. [More]

Daylight Savings Can Save You Money
Congress will sneak into your bedroom tonight and steal a precious hour of sleep, but you don’t need to take the theft lying down. Get up tomorrow and use a few tips from Consumer Reports to steal back some hard-earned cash.