Bill is understandably terrified of the Square app, which lets devices with audio input jacks and online connectivity accept credit card payments. That means iPhones, Droids and what have you are every bit as equipped to siphon money out of your accounts as crusty convenience store clerks with cash registers. [More]
there’s an app for that

When This Sex App's A Rockin' Don't Come A Knockin'
The Bedometer iPhone App tracks the amount of calories you burn during sex, according to The Sun. You just place it on the bed when things start to get freaky, try not to get so wild that the iPhone falls off or gets submerged in fluids and then check the device to see whether or not you burned off that bagel. [More]

iPhone App Lets You Program Comcast DVRs From Afar
A new iPhone App, Comcast Mobile, gives Comcast customers the same ability as DirecTV users to program their DVRs on the go, High-Def Digest reports: [More]

Botched Parental Controls Let Kids Check Out iPorn
The software that controls Apple’s iPhone and iPod touch includes parental controls that are meant to block kids from buying porn apps. And it works. Sort of. While kids whose parents use the software to protect their iPods can’t purchase any of the App Store’s billions of “babe” apps (App Store porn is largely of the soft-core, pin-up variety), they can still browse it, checking out the app descriptions, reviews and, of course, screen shots. Oops. [More]

Device That Turns iPhone Into Universal Remote Coming Next Month
If you’ve got an iPhone, a $50 eraser-sized dongle that snaps on to the bottom of your device could relegate that desk drawer full of remotes to the garbage bin. [More]