Somewhere, fictional union local president Frank Sobotka of the port of Baltimore is very pleased. The International Longshoremen’s Association had threatened to go on an East Coast strike beginning this Sunday, preventing most nonperishable cargo sent across the Atlantic from reaching its destination and causing an economic containertastrophe. [More]
the wire was a badass show

Bipartisan Senate Push Seeks To Expose Owners Of Prepaid Cell Phones
A couple Senators are Voltroning to introduce legislation that would let authorities track identities of prepaid cell phone owners. Anyone who’s seen The Wire knows criminals thrive off of pre-paids. [More]

FBI Uses Wire Taps To Catch Mortgage Scammers
Most definitely copying what they’ve learned from the badass HBO show “The Wire,” law enforcement agencies are using wire taps to catch bad guys in the cleverest of ways.
Simon Says Newspapers Would Be Killing Themselves Even Without The Help Of The Internet
For the definitive dramatic take on why and how the newspaper industry has fallen so hard, watch season five of HBO’s The Wire, much of which is set inside the beleaguered Baltimore Sun newsroom. The show has it all: The ever-present desperation and dread. The hushed, huddled stand-up meetings in which colleagues whisper about who they think the next round of layoffs will hit. The strain of fewer people, many with less experience and training than they need, trying to handle more responsibilities for diminishing pay and benefits.