The housing market simply can’t keep up with the demand from a very specific part of the market…people who seek houses worth $100 million or more. Sales of houses with nine-figure price tags have reached an all-time high of…well, five of them sold last year, but there are many more on the market or being sold away from the general real estate market, and the fabulous-homes-for-billionaires market will just keep growing. [More]
the 1%

This ‘Premier Shopping Destination’ Is A Mall For Rich People
When people who are truly wealthy go shopping, they don’t always go to the regular malls that regular people use. No, people who drop six-figure sums at a single mall every year are entitled to a much fancier level of service, and there’s a Long Island mall that exists to provide it to them. Since the ’80s, Americana Manhasset has been a mall only for rich people. [More]

The Gap Between The Super Rich And The Rest Of Us Has Widened A Heck Of A Lot In 50 Years
You know how they say “the rich keep getting richer”? That’s not just a handy little saying, the rich really have been getting a lot richer. The wealthy Americans have widened the money gap between them and typical families by more than double in the last 50 years. So if you didn’t know an actual Richie Rich living in a ginormous mansion with all kinds of fun gadgets back then, you might now. [More]