If you sell cars, you’ve probably had your share of jokes from “hilarious” customers who crack wise about making off with the car they are test-driving, but most car-shoppers are indeed only joking about committing grand theft auto. Then there’s the Florida man accused of using a test drive to help himself to a $150,000 Maserati. [More]
test drive

Samsung Wants iPhone Users To Test Drive A Galaxy Smartphone For 30 Days
If you’re an iPhone user who’s been flirting with the idea of switching to an Android phone, it’s understandable that you might be resistant to change — it can take some getting used to when you switch from one operating system to another, in either direction. Samsung wants to take that uncertainty away for iPhone users with a new promo that allows those folks to test drive one of a few Galaxy smartphones for a month. [More]

Buick Wants You To Take A Vehicle On A 24-Hour Test Drive
Is taking a car for a brief spin around the neighborhood enough time to convince you to buy it? If not, Buick thinks it’s got just the solution for you, announcing a new program that allows drivers to leave their car at the dealership and take a Buick out for an entire day. [More]

It’s Not A Test Drive If You Don’t Ever Bring The Car Back
You’re cruising along, enjoying the sights from the driver’s seat of your new-top-you set of wheels, and everything is just perfect. Except that it’s not exactly your set of wheels if you just drive a vehicle off the dealership lot for a test drive and don’t bring it back. That’s exactly the scenario that got one 67-year-old man in Florida arrested. [More]

Verizon: Test Drive Our Network For 30 Days
Verizon will allow potential customers to try their wireless network for 30 days “virtually risk-free.” The offer, dubbed Test Drive, begins tomorrow.
If at any point during the 30-day Test Drive customers are not satisfied with their experience and take their number to another wireless carrier, Verizon Wireless will refund their money for their calls, equipment, activation fee and taxes, as well as release them from their contract without an early termination fee when they return their phone within the Test Drive period.
Not included are the cost of data services, V CAST, and “certain Verizon Wireless surcharges.”

Toyota Prius Confuses, Confounds, Calls Your Wife A Whore
If you buy a Toyota Prius, your wife’s name and phone number will instantly find itself on many online escort websites. This we know. But it sucks for money in ways your wife doesn’t. In fact, the car’s so confusing that Consumer Affairs couldn’t even figure out how to turn one on: