Tom and his wife are facing a scary proposition: termites. In their home. They’re renters, so they called the landlords. That’s why people rent, right? So they have landlords who will take care of this stuff. And their landlords are happy to take care of it: by calling in exterminators to tent the house and kill any pests inside. That’s okay, but requires vacating the house for a few days. Tom and Mrs. Tom don’t have the money to cover a motel stay up front for the time they’ll be required to be out of the house. Sure, they could sleep in their car and hang out at the library or something when they’re not at work, but they have dogs. And they live in Florida. It’s August. Even the cheapest motels that allow dogs are too expensive. What should they do? [More]

How To Find Out If Your Home Is A Termite Meal
Atrophying home prices may not be the only thing eating away the value of your home. For all you know, termites may be steadily munching on every corner of your home, weakening its structure and forcing you into major repairs. [More]

Orkin "Lifetime Guarantee" Costs $214 A Year?
Chris writes, Last year we had Orkin come and get rid of a termite problem in our 60 year old house. It is a small three bedroom house and we were putting concrete siding on and discovered some termite trails.

Termite Woes: Am I Evil For Going With Orkin?
Reader Melissa is shopping for pest control services. She has termites and needs to get rid of them. She got three estimates and, while Orkin wasn’t the cheapest, she was afraid the cheapest was too low.

Ask Consumerists: Orkin or Terminix?
Wesley asks via the tipline, Orkin or Terminix, who’s better?