Earlier this week, a bankruptcy judge approved a $243 million bid from a group of mall landlords, liquidators, and a licensing company that would save 229 of Aeropostale’s 720 stores from closing their doors forever. Things are looking even better than expected now for the teen retailer, as its new owners say they’ll be able to keep open 171 more stores than originally planned. [More]
teen retailers

Bankrupt Aeropostale Preparing To Sell Off Its Assets At Auction Next Month
After taking a few weeks to weigh its options, Aeropostale says it won’t be able to manage a reorganization under bankruptcy, and instead is getting ready to auction off all its assets in the coming weeks. It’s also taking fire at the lender it claims pushed it into bankruptcy in the first place. [More]

Abercrombie & Fitch’s Hollister Poised To Profit From Bankruptcy Of Fellow Teen Retailers
While teen retailers like Aéropostale and PacSun are going down in flames, their rivals are hunched on the sidelines, waiting to pick their bankrupted bones clean. There’s still money to be made catering to teenagers, after all, and analysts say Abercrombie & Fitch could be the one making it. [More]