tech companies

Michael Gil

Apple Fights Bill That Could Make Fixing iPhone Easier, Cheaper

When iPhones first came on the market, customers could only get their devices fixed at an actual Apple store. Now that the phones have become ubiquitous, phone repair store have popped up on nearly every block and in every mall, providing owners with a plethora of options and prices when it comes to seeking repairs for their devices. But a new report shows that Apple and other tech manufacturers and organizations are fighting against these choices, pushing to eliminate state legislation that aims to make it easier for anyone to repair electronics.  [More]

Jeepers Media

Verizon Won’t Walk Away From Yahoo Deal, But May Want A Discount

Last week there were rumors swirling that Verizon was angling to get $1 billion off the $4.8 billion price it’s agreed to pay to buy Yahoo’s internet business. This week, the company’s CEO says there’s no way Verizon is going to leave Yahoo at the altar after its recent troubles, but that being said, there are some factors to consider when it comes to that final price. [More]

Leon Lee

Alibaba Wants To Help Tech Companies Break Into The Chinese Market

Whenever you start a new job or transfer to a new school, there’s always that guy that really wants to help show you the ropes and let you in on the local scuttlebutt. When it comes to the expanding frontier that is the Chinese tech market, e-commerce giant Alibaba wants to be “that guy.” [More]


Some Banks Offering Tech Employees Mortgages With No Down Payment

Usually when you hear about banks offering home loans with low down-payment requirements, it’s intended to attract first-time homeowners who may not have the tens of thousands of dollars it can take to make the full 20% upfront payment. However, some banks in high-priced areas in and around Silicon Valley are using 0% down-payment loans in an attempt to attract well-heeled tech employees. [More]