tears for sears

Sears Continues Retail Death Spiral, Still Sells A Few Useful Things

Sears Continues Retail Death Spiral, Still Sells A Few Useful Things

For the ninth quarter in a row, Sears Holdings Corporation has lost money. Even as the company closes stores, rents out remaining stores, and tries desperate moves like opening early on Thanksgiving Day and making fun of itself in its own ads, the company continues to sell itself for parts in a sad retail death spiral. Yet is there anything that you should consider buying at Sears while it still exists? Are Americans who sneer at Sears missing out? Maybe. [More]

Pete Kraynak

Pretty Much Every Sears And Kmart Store Is For Rent Right Now

Sears Holdings Corporation, the company that runs Sears and Kmart, has a problem. They have a lot of real estate, and not enough sales to keep all of that real estate busy. One solution is to close stores as they underperform or as their leases expire, which is what the company has been doing. Another solution? Rent out that space. For the right customer, virtually every Sears and Kmart store is up for grabs. [More]

Sears Circles Back Around To Idea Of Selling Sears Canada Stake

Sears Circles Back Around To Idea Of Selling Sears Canada Stake

Sears Holdings Corporation first started whispering that it might spin off or sell its stake in Sears Canada a few years ago, when the company first started publicly naming parts of itself that it could sell for cash. Since then, Hometown and Outlet stores are thriving as a spun-off company, so why not Sears Canada? [More]

Reader's Story Of Lackluster Lawnmower Service Exemplifies Why Sears Is Sinking

Reader's Story Of Lackluster Lawnmower Service Exemplifies Why Sears Is Sinking

It wasn’t that long ago that the Sears name actually stood for quality, service and all those other buzz words you hear in TV commercials. When people ask “What happened?,” it’s easy to point to the growth of big-box competitors like Walmart and Target, but that doesn’t paint the full picture of why the once-iconic Sears brand is now considered second-tier by many shoppers. [More]

First Sears And Kmart Closings Of 2012 Concentrated In Midwest And South

First Sears And Kmart Closings Of 2012 Concentrated In Midwest And South

Sears Holdings, owner of the perpetually troubled retailer power couple Sears and Kmart, has released the locations of 80 out of the 100 to 120 “under-performing” stores that will close in the coming months. Most of the stores on this first list are in the southern and midwestern U.S. [More]

Sears To Shutter 100 To 120 Sears & Kmart Stores After Disappointing Holiday Sales

Sears To Shutter 100 To 120 Sears & Kmart Stores After Disappointing Holiday Sales

Sears is pointing to a big drop in this year’s holiday sales as the reason they’ll have to close 100 to 120 Sears and Kmart stores in 2012. Which means it’s your fault, consumers, for failing to shell out big dough at Sears. Kidding! Mostly. [More]

Buying Sears Refrigerator Ends In Gnashed Teeth

Buying Sears Refrigerator Ends In Gnashed Teeth

Remember when stuff just worked? You bought it, brought it home, and it diligently performed its advertised function? Me neither, but suposedly there was a bygone era where products were made to last, instead made to break. In any event, we’re certainly not in those times now, and Jeff’s tale of trying to buy a simple refrigerator from Sears is proof positive. [More]