
H&R Block Needs Help With Its Taxes

H&R Block had to restate its results after under reporting its liabilities by $32 million in its very own state taxes.

Consumers Speak: H&R Block’s Free Offer, Only $5.95

Dan F. writes in with this chat log from H&R Block’s online support system.

Here is the IM exchange I just had with H&R Block after attempting to use the “free” 1040 return service they pitched to me via e-mail. I own to some early crankiness but keep in mind their “fast” online response had kept me waiting a lot longer than it would have taken to do my taxes the old fashioned way:

Morning Deals Round Up

• In places in the midwest, there is an almost religious respect given to the mighty Chipotle. We suspect it is not that their burritos are so excellent, although they are certainly good, but that in our fast food nation, food that actually uses fresh vegetables should be cherished. Chipotle is running a promotion that will probably make the college boys go even wilder: Buy a $5 gift card between now and the 11th, bring the receipt back between the 12th and 14th, and receive a free burrito. Value! [via SlickDeals]

H&R Block Creates National Tax Holiday

H&R Block Creates National Tax Holiday

What do Hallmark and H&R Block have in common? They both are based in Kansas City, Missouri, and they both create holidays to celebrate an occasion for you to give them more money. H&R Block has created National Tax Advice Day to ostensibly help you learn such ethical tips as how to claim your iPod as tax deductible. (We aren’t joking.)

World of Warcraft 2.0: IRS Offices Patched into Ogrimmar and Ironforge

World of Warcraft 2.0: IRS Offices Patched into Ogrimmar and Ironforge

There are lots of taxes one pays in online games. They can be taxing to the marriages, health and even the sanity of emaciated South Korean nerds slowly irradiated into a shade of phosphorescent blue, like a deep-sea inverterbrate, by their112-hour binges in front of a monitor flickering Lineage mobs upon their retinas. And any World of Warcraft player knows that it can be taxing upon your intellect as well: being forced to endure the general chat channel of the Barrens will slough IQ points off like reams of skin after a first-degree sunburn.