One of the many innovations that ride-hailing service Uber has given the world is that it popularized the phrase “surge pricing,” which means raising the price for something as demand for it goes up. Lots of industries do this, but filing taxes is something that everyone has to do. [More]
tax software

How To Decide Whether Or Not To Pay Someone To Do Your Taxes
Tax accountants strive to prove their worth in this age of tax software by claiming that their personal touch and intimate knowledge of the tax code can get you better returns. While some people can benefit from professional help, others can easily do their taxes on their own. [More]

TurboTax Charged Me $30 For An Upgrade I Didn't Realize I'd Ordered
Cindy says TurboTax sped her through a filing session that ended with her paying about $30 to upgrade to the deluxe version, even though she didn’t realize she’d made such a purchase. These are the sorts of issues that make Tax Cat purr in quizzical contemplation. [More]