If you’re upset with the parking ticket you’ve just received, it’s rarely a good idea to rip it up. It’s certainly a bad idea to rip that ticket up in front of the police officer who just wrote it. Ask the pregnant Chicago woman who says police used a stun gun on her after she tore up her citation. [More]

Cops Taser 400-Pound Alleged Shoplifter Riding Motorized Cart
Tangles between shoplifters and law enforcement often make for entertaining spectacles, but what went down at a Macomb County, Mich. Meijer in February is tough to top. When a 400-pound woman allegedly used a motorized cart to try to cruise away with $600 in stolen items, she got stuck at the door. She then allegedly pushed and punched a security guard, then resisted arrest until an officer subdued her with a Taser. [More]

Drunk Golf Fan Gets Taser Treatment For Heckling Tiger Woods
Hey, drunkie! You mess with Tiger Woods and you’re going to get Tasered: A drunken golf fan got the shock treatment from cops yesterday during the 11th hole of The Players Championship after he wouldn’t stop heckling Woods from the crowd, the New York Daily News reports. [More]

55th Floridian Dies After Being Tased, Should They Be Banned? Tasers, That Is.
Derrick Humbert, 38, became the 55th Floridian to die from a Taser. He was riding his bicycle and officers asked him to stop. Instead, he rode around the corner and fled through a yard. The officers in pursuit tased him as he tried to scramble over a fence, shooting 50,000 volts of electricity into his body. 28 minutes later, he was in a coma in the ambulance, and was pronounced dead at the hospital. [More]

Want Safe Skies? Strap This Remote-Controlled Stun Device To Yourself!
Make of this what you will, as the story comes from the Reverend Sun Myung Moon’s church-owned Washington Times and may be more fiction than fact, but “a senior government official with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has expressed great interest in a so-called safety bracelet that would serve as a stun device, similar to that of a police Taser.” Yes, the EMD Safety Bracelet from Lamperd Less Lethal is designed to make flying a fun experience once again. Just check out everything it can do:
- Take the place of an airline boarding pass.
- Contain personal information about the traveler.
- Be able to monitor the whereabouts of each passenger and his/her luggage.
- Shock the wearer on command, completely immobilizing him/her for several minutes.
In other news, don’t try a taser out yourself, the results will leave your cat frightened. [City-Data]

Popular Consumer Version Of Taser Is Selling Like Electrified Hotcakes
We are clearly a nation that treasures the concept of safety, because Taser International, Inc. reported a 150% increase in sales from last year that’s due almost entirely to its redesigned consumer model, which now looks more like an electric shaver instead of a gun and comes in pink, blue, silver, or black. The company plans to start airing an infomercial later this year, so look for that on those late nights in December when all the Christmas programming has got you down.

The News is Tasty Like a Taser
• School doesn’t like student complaining on Xanga that the school is a bully, proves him wrong with a 10 day suspension. [Sun Times]