Just like those embarrassing Facebook photos of you with your ill-advised “Macklemore” hairdo, Target’s massive 2013 data breach continues to haunt the retailer. Today, the company reached an agreement to pay $18.5 million to close the book on investigations by 47 states (and D.C.) into the month-long attack that exposed information for more than 60 million payment card accounts. [More]
target breach

Target Shoppers Get Go-Ahead To Sue Retail Giant Over 2013 Hack
A year after Target discovered it was the, well, target of one of the largest retailer hacks ever, and a few weeks after banks got permission to sue the corporation, Target shoppers have now gotten the all-clear for their lawsuits, too. [More]

Target Ignored Malware Warnings, Could Have Prevented Data Breach
What if a major retailer made a large investment in anti-malware software to protect its information systems, finally put the new program in place, and then ignored the warnings that the new system gave? That’s what sources tell Bloomberg Businessweek is what happened in the weeks before Target’s massive payment information breach. Target could have stopped the breach, or even ended it before baddies could get hold of customer data. [More]

Target Chief Information Officer Resigns, Totally Not Because Of Data Breach
As of today, Target’s chief information officer has resigned. Beth Jacob had been on the job since 2008, and is leaving before the company reorganizes its information security leadership and staff after the massive holiday season breach that hit a mind-boggling number of accounts and still has day-to-day consequences for customers. [More]

After Target Breach, Banks Are Way Behind In Reissuing New Cards
The baddies behind the recent Target payment data breach are selling off card data at fire-sale prices and cranking out cards that can be used in the real world, some of the people whose card numbers were breached have a long wait to get their new cards issued. [More]

Secret Service: Hackers Behind Target Attack Used Specially Designed, Sophisticated Malware
A House subcommittee that’s looking into the massive theft of Target customers’ personal and financial information heard from a Secret Service official who says that the hackers responsible had been preparing long and hard for the “highly technical” attack, using sophisticated malware that likely was designed specially to infiltrate Target’s system. [More]