
CompUSA Repairs Laptop After New TAP Company Refuses

CompUSA Repairs Laptop After New TAP Company Refuses

Assurant Solutions, the company that’s supposed to be honoring any outstanding TAP agreements with former CompUSA customers, likes to refuse service for arbitrary reasons. Luckily for TAP-holders, CompUSA has said it will honor any TAP agreements if Assurant doesn’t. The guy with the broken laptop wrote back to let us know that CompUSA indeed came through for him after every attempt he made with Assurant ended in rejection.

CompUSA Says They'll Make Sure Your TAP Service Is Honored

CompUSA Says They'll Make Sure Your TAP Service Is Honored

Lonny Paul, the director of e-commerce for the rebooted CompUSA, contacted us today regarding a reader’s tale of TAP woe. Lonny writes,