tanning salons

Evil Erin

Tanning Salon Barred From Claiming Indoor Tanning Is Safer Than Sitting In The Sun

Because there’s no guarantee that willfully exposing your skin to the sun won’t increase the risk of cancer, whether you’re basking in the rays of a UV lamp or sunning on the beach, a New York tanning salon company has agreed to a settlement that bars it from making misleading health-related claims regarding the harms and benefits of indoor tanning. [More]

Evil Erin

FDA Proposes Regulations That Would Keep Minors Out Of Tanning Beds

Though a slew of states already have regulations in place that prohibit minors from using indoor tanning beds and sunlamps, the federal government is proposing new rules that would keep anyone under the age of 18 from getting their glow on in tanning salons. [More]


Tanning Salon Tells Woman She’s Too Fat To Bronze, Won’t Give Refund

No one can escape the laws of physics, but businesses should at least try to follow the rule of “don’t sell people things that you have no intention of providing.” An Ohio woman claims that a local tanning salon sold her a monthly package for $70, then told her that she wouldn’t be allowed to use most of the beds because she’s too fat. [More]