Selling health insurance to dead people is not a very profitable business, since they don’t need it. Yet because of bad information in marketing databases, plenty of dead people receive marketing mail… including Medicare supplemental insurance solicitations when they’re about to turn 65. Why do dead people keep getting mail, and is it possible to stop it before it sets off fresh grief? [More]
supplemental insurance

Insurer Sells Couple The Wrong Policy. Is An Apology Enough?
More than two years ago, a Florida couple called up a supplemental insurance provider to take out a disability coverage plan in case the wife became pregnant. Her work doesn’t cover maternity leave, but the policy would help pay the bills while cared for the child. That is, if the insurer had sold them the correct policy. [More]

Deciding Whether Or Not To Insure A New Phone
There are some hard and fast rules about what is and is not worth insuring. Blackjack hands in which the dealer is showing an ace — no. Cars — yes, as is required by law. Health — only if you don’t want to go bankrupt. It’s a trickier proposition when it comes to smartphones. [More]