

Forget all that spin about listening to customer complaints: it looks like the real reason Tropicana killed off its rebranding push after only two months is because sales dropped by 20% during that period, while some big competitors posted double-digit gains. We have a feeling Tropicana is going to end up in a lot of business and marketing textbooks in the future. [AdAge] (Thanks to Ross!)

Everything At This Supermarket Tastes Just Like Chocolate!

Everything At This Supermarket Tastes Just Like Chocolate!

Justin sent us this photo of his neighborhood Associated Supermarket in NYC, where a printing error on the latest sales posters didn’t stand in the way of putting them up. We guess it was cheaper to just run around throwing handfuls of cocoa powder on everything than to reprint them.

This Pringles Super Stack Size Traps The Math Illiterate

This Pringles Super Stack Size Traps The Math Illiterate

The Super Stack can of Pringles on the right looks super big and super packed full of chips. It only has 12% more snack inside, though, while it costs 25% more of your money. Luckily, if you’re not handy with division or don’t have a calculator or phone with you, just look at the price per pound on the tags below. And never trust packaging!

Gas And Ingredients Are Cheap, So Why Are Grocery Prices Rising?

Gas And Ingredients Are Cheap, So Why Are Grocery Prices Rising?

With the the cost of ingredients, gas prices, and interest rates dropping, why are food manufacturers continuing to hike prices and shrink products? According to the L.A. Times, supermarkets don’t know, but they’re as pissed as we are.

Tropicana's Failed Packaging Design Was A Real Life Poochie

Tropicana's Failed Packaging Design Was A Real Life Poochie

The Tropicana redesign disaster seemed strangely familiar to us, and we just now realized why: the Simpsons already did it.

Grocery Growth Ray To Hit Ketchup, Chips

Grocery Growth Ray To Hit Ketchup, Chips

A grocery growth ray is set to hit a popular condiment and several kinds of baked corn with names ending “tos.” To push the brands as being good values, Heinz will be selling slightly larger ketchup bottles, and Frito-Lay is adding 20% to Tostitos, Fritos, Cheetos and Doritos – without raising the price. Unlike the grocery shrink ray, you can bet this change will be loudly trumpeted on the package.

Watch Out For Supermarket Price Spikes

Watch Out For Supermarket Price Spikes

A penny-pinching reader discovered that Giant Eagle—a supermarket chain that heavily promotes a savings club where you earn slight discounts on gas—has some jacked up soup prices, especially on their private label. Remember, if you’re not comparison shopping among local supermarkets, you can expect easy-to-miss price spikes like this one to wipe out any savings you thought you were getting.


Here are 11 fruits and vegetables that typically have low amounts of pesticides. Now we just need to find a recipe for asparagus pineapple onion salad. [The Daily Green]

Impoverished Consumers Overwhelm British Site That Sells Expired Food

Impoverished Consumers Overwhelm British Site That Sells Expired Food

Impoverished and hungry Britons can’t get enough of Approved Food, a site that sells expired but still edible food for up to half off. Even after shutting down for two days to grapple with a ten-fold rise in traffic, the site warns that they still have to process 12 days worth of backorders. But can’t expired food give you salmonella or herpes, you ask? Nope! FDA regulations don’t require most foods to carry expiration dates, and selling expired food isn’t a violation of federal law.

Persona Razors, Now! With The Same Amount Of Razors!

Persona Razors, Now! With The Same Amount Of Razors!

Companies are scrambling to make their products seem more affordable in this economic climate, and, in some cases, are resorting to simply making it up. Reader Ben sent in this picture of Personna razor blades. The old pack is on the left, containing 12 razors. The new one is on the right, also containing 12 razors, but it boasts a scratched out 10 and a big 12 and now it’s a “Value Pack.” You get the same number of razors, pay the same, but now you get the added bonus of feeling like you’re a savvy shopper.

Dog Shoplifts Bone From Grocery Store

Dog Shoplifts Bone From Grocery Store

What kind of world do we live in where even dogs have started shoplifting? A mildly amusing world, that’s what kind.

"Holistic Margin Management": What General Mills Calls Grocery Shrink Ray

"Holistic Margin Management": What General Mills Calls Grocery Shrink Ray

Guess what they call the Grocery Shrink Ray at General Mills? “Holistic Margin Management.” I thinks that’s also what they call it in 1984. Another interesting fact from a StarTribune article looking at shrinking packages: customers are more likely to notice a change in the height rather than the width of a box. But does anyone really care?

Tide: Mystery Of Different Loads For Different Scents Solved!

Tide: Mystery Of Different Loads For Different Scents Solved!

Reader Zack was curious why three different kinds of Tide detergent on the shelf had the same price and same volume, but the label said they delivered different amounts of loads. Consumer Reports investigated, and they have the answer.

Supermarket Chain Adds 10% At Register, But Only In Some Stores

Supermarket Chain Adds 10% At Register, But Only In Some Stores

The Nash Finch stores Avanza, Food Bonanza and Wholesale Food Outlets add the 10 percent charge to food at the register and specialize in serving Hispanics, according to store workers.

Shaw's Wants You To Shop More With Their Wheeled Baskets

Shaw's Wants You To Shop More With Their Wheeled Baskets

Shaw’s has wised up to the trick of using a basket instead of a shopping cart to physically limit your grocery purchases, and they’ve come up with a creative workaround: convertible baskets that you can drag behind you on wheels when they become too heavy to carry.

Genetically Engineered Foods Edge Closer To Dinner Plate, FDA To Develop GE Rules

Genetically Engineered Foods Edge Closer To Dinner Plate, FDA To Develop GE Rules

FrankenChicken moved closer to your dinner table after the FDA announced they’re going to begin developing the procedures and guidelines that will allow farmers to genetically engineer animals to have more desirable traits and then sell them to you in the supermarket. For instance, featherless chicken or faster-growing fish. They will not require food to be labeled as genetically modified as long as there’s no change in the final product, a move Consumers Union called “incomprehensible.”

Supermarkets Begin To Shrink

Supermarkets Begin To Shrink

The New York Times reports that several supermarket and retail chains, including Safeway, Walmart, and Whole Foods, are beginning to experiment with much smaller store sizes that emphasize things like cafes, prepared meals, and produce. The idea is to emphasize speed over choice, and was apparently triggered by UK competitor Tesco, which has launched over 70 small-format supermarkets in Nevada, Arizona, and Southern California over the past year. Of course, the stores also require less shelf space for products than they did a year ago.

Tide: Different Loads For Different Scents?

Tide: Different Loads For Different Scents?

UPDATE: Tide: Mystery Of Different Loads For Different Scents Solved!